Shopping for Science Supplies Online

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Jennifer Vaughn

Sep 10, 2008, 1:06:32 AM9/10/08
Those of you in need of science supplies might find this website helpful:

American Science & Surplus


Sep 17, 2008, 11:47:01 PM9/17/08
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
Here is another company; although I have not ordered from them, they
have been around for a long time. Look in the "HIghlights" section on
the left for "Homeschool science".
Ward's Natural Science

By the way, in reading older posts, there was mention of a book list,
but the latest versions don't seem to be available??

Rusty Lopez

Sep 18, 2008, 1:40:09 AM9/18/08
Yes, there was a book list I posted, but somehow it got deleted.

It was comprised of various books that I have found useful as either text or reference books, along with an approximate age appropriateness. I'll try and re-post the information.



Sep 18, 2008, 3:18:26 PM9/18/08
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
Okay, in looking over the pages in question, it appears that an
abusive member (since banned) "edited" the page back in March. Because
of the obscene posts, the page deletions, etc., I've limited page and
file creation to managers only. I've also set our membership process
to "request". In other words, new members must request the privilege
of joining the group.

As for the list of books... again, I'll try to re-post the information

On a similar note, I notice that there are some members of this group
who have not commented or introduced themselves. If you haven't done
so already, it would be most appreciated if you would take the time to
introduce yourself, maybe giving a little blurb about yourself, why
you're interested in this topic, and your expectations of this group.

Rusty Lopez

On Sep 17, 10:40 pm, "Rusty Lopez" <> wrote:
> Yes, there was a book list I posted, but somehow it got deleted.
> It was comprised of various books that I have found useful as either text or
> reference books, along with an approximate age appropriateness. I'll try and
> re-post the information.
> Rusty


Sep 20, 2008, 2:59:53 PM9/20/08
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
Hi all, I'm not sure if I ever introduced myself, so I'll do so now.
My name is Katie Rogstad. I'm not a homeschooling mom (yet), as I have
a 2 year old and a 2 month old. However, I do teach physical science
at my church's homeschool co-op. We use Apologia (Exploring Creation
with Physical Science). I spend a lot of time discussing Old Earth vs
Young Earth viewpoints....and I have to walk a fine line since they're
not my kids. My goal isn't necessarily to convert them to my Old Earth
viewpoint...I just want them to know there is a biblical alternative
so that when they're confronted with scientific data in college they
don't lose their faith :). This group has been helpful to me in
discussing different curricula--since our book is young earth I have
to bring in my own stuff for teaching the old earth perspective.

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