Group in which you might be interested in joining

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Jul 5, 2010, 11:09:09 AM7/5/10
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
I've noticed (a-hem!) that this group is rather . . . INACTIVE.

There's another OEC group of which I've been a part that hasn't been a
WHOLE lot more active, but a little bit. Also, when participants post,
they post at a very high level.

The group has been composed, primarily, I think, of men and women who
are almost professionally engaged in fields and studies and
discussions related to the topic of cosmology and cosmogony.

In case you are familiar with some of these names: We're talking about
people like David Snoke (a homeschooling father, professor of physics
at U of Pittsburgh, and author of <a="
ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278338458&sr=8-1">A Biblical Case for an Old
Earth</a> . . . not to mention <a="
books/b072sk.htm"><i>Natural Philosophy: Physics and Western Thought</
i></a>, a homeschooling text), Denyse O'Leary (author of <a="http://"><i>By
Design Or By Chance?: The Growing Controversy On The Origins Of Life
In The Universe</i></a>), and many others. (I think even Behe has made
an appearance.)

Up until about a month ago or so, the group was coordinated solely by
Dr Snoke via email. Members would write emails and send them to Dr
Snoke . . . and he would then (possibly) edit them and forward them to
the other group members.

But then about a month ago, he asked if we were willing to move to a
forum setup.

The switch just took place.

Dr Snoke is still going to maintain control over who gets access, but
I thought possibly some of our number might be interested in trying to

Just FYI (it gives you a general idea of the kinds of subjects members
might be inclined to discuss), here are the general categories already
laid out for discussion:

* General Discussion

* In the news (Any discussions on articles in the popular press)

* Articles (Any articles of potential interest to this group,
published or unpublished.) --Snoke has posted an article he is
preparing for publication about "systems biology and ID."

* Books (Book reviews and discussions about books that deal with
science and faith)

* Paradigms (w/ Child Boards: Cosmology; Intelligent Design (ID);
Theistic Evolution (TE); Young Earth Creationism (YEC); and Darwinism)

* Biblical Interpretation (Any topics relating to how the Bible is
interpreted, translated, etc.) --I posted something intended to get
some discussion going about the issues related to a "non-concordist"
and/or "accomodational" interpretation of Genesis 1-11 a la </

* Education (Any topic related to the discussion of origins in
classroom context and restrictions thereto)

. . . --The forum is JUST getting going, so there isn't much there,
yet. But in case you might be interested . . .

Check it out and see if you can gain access at <a="http://"></a>.


Heather Isenhower

Jul 5, 2010, 1:05:32 PM7/5/10
Thanks, John, for the heads up. The link in the email did not work, but
the web address ( did go to the new forum.


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