REMINDER - SMM HAMBURG Exhibition (6-9 September 2022) – Germany / OKT SHIPPING & TRADING LTD. - Istanbul

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Osman Kaya Turan - OKT Shipping

Aug 30, 2022, 10:26:39 AM8/30/22
to Osman Kaya Turan - OKT Shipping

RE: REMINDER - SMM HAMBURG Exhibition (6-9 September 2022) – Germany / OKT SHIPPING & TRADING LTD. - Istanbul


Dear Friends,


Good day! Due to SMM HAMBURG Exhibition 2022, we will be in Hamburg during the whole event.


In case you would like to meet our Turkish yards represented, please kindly inform us.


We will also appreciate to visit you in your premises or meet you at the exhibition/another place to discuss further on our following services;


  1. Worldwide Shipyards’ Representation for Turkish Owners/Managers (Newbuilding, DD & Repairs),


  1. Turkish Shipyards’ Representation for German & Worldwide Owners/Managers,


  1. Shipbrokerage (NB / Sale & Purchase / Demolition)


  1. Site Team Supervision in China & Turkey (New Building, Conversion & Repairs)


  1. Official Dealerships of your other products and services in Turkish Market


Thank you in advance for your kind reply and availabilities.


PS: Please also kindly contact with your server administrator to add our “…” addresses to your safe list to receive our e-mails as we see some problems regarding delivery.


Saygılarımla / ​Best Regards / Mit freundlichem Gruß

Osman Kaya TURAN 
Managing Director

Naval Architect and Marine Engineer (MBA, MSc)

Also a Member of the Foreign Relations Commission of TURKISH SHIPBUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION (GISBIR)




Şemsettin Günaltay Cad. Köseoğlu İş Merkezi Kat:4 No: 152/20 Kazasker - Kadıköy ISTANBUL TURKEY

T +90 216 356 22 82 F +90 216 356 22 84 M +90 530 415 14 12 E


offıcıal dealers & yard REPRESENTATIVES (dd & repaırs)

SHIPBROKERS & BUILDERS (NB / Sale & Purchase / Demolıtıon)

Sıte Team Supervısıon ın Chına & Turkey






Osman Kaya Turan - OKT Shipping

May 29, 2023, 2:20:56 PM5/29/23
to Osman Kaya Turan - OKT Shipping

RE: Nor-Shipping Exhibition (6-9 June 2023) – Oslo, Norway / OKT SHIPPING & TRADING LTD. - Istanbul


Dear Friends,


Good day! Due to Nor-Shipping Exhibition (6-9 June 2023), we will be in Oslo, Norway during the whole event.


In case you would like to meet our Turkish yards represented, please kindly inform us.


We will also appreciate to visit you in your premises or meet you at the exhibition/another place to discuss further on our following services;


  1. Worldwide Shipyards’ Representation for Turkish Owners/Managers (Newbuilding, DD & Repairs),


  1. Turkish Shipyards’ Representation for German & Worldwide Owners/Managers,


  1. Shipbrokerage (NB / Sale & Purchase / Demolition)


  1. Site Team Supervision in China & Turkey (New Building, Conversion & Repairs)


  1. Official Dealerships of your other products and services in Turkish Market


Thank you in advance for your kind reply and availabilities.


PS: Please also kindly contact with your server administrator to add our “…” addresses to your safe list to receive our e-mails as we see some problems regarding delivery.


​Best Regards,

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