Help translate the OpenSpending guide!

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Anders Pedersen

Oct 31, 2013, 5:28:54 PM10/31/13
Hi all,

Over at OpenSpending we are currently working to translate the OpenSpending guide, which helps citizens and activists all over the world to use OpenSpending as a tool for budget and spending transparency. 

In the past three months we have been working on translations, but there is still much to be done. We are eager to seek your help if you know a language.

Can you help add another language, go ahead and add your self to the Trello ticket or get in touch! 
Below you will find a recap of translations currently in progress [link to Trello ticket].

#### Completed translations [standing ovations!]
- [Spanish] Ana, Costa Rica
- [Nepali] OKF Nepal
- [Romanian], Victoria Vlad, Moldova
- [Italian] Stefano Bandera
They are all available here!

#### Translations In progress
The OpenSpending guide is currently being translated into the following languages by a list of amazing community members:

[Japanese] Hal Seki, OKF Japan
[Hebrew] Mor Rubinstein
[Finnish] Henri Ahti
[Turkish] Umut Hanioglu
[Portuguese] Marco Tulio Pires
[Russian] Ivan Begtin
[French] Elisabetta Lombardo & Pierre Chrzanowski

If you can help translate into one of the languages already in progress, we'd love your help, so get in touch and we'll coordinate.

###Add your self to the OpenSpending Trello boards
Everyone can join the two OpenSpending Trello boards where we track what we are currenty working on:
- The News and Website board covers anything related to the OpenSpending community site such as the blog. To join just ping the board here.
- The Activities board covers all other activities such as translations of our guides. Join by pinging the board here.


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