#### Completed translations [standing ovations!]- [Spanish] Ana, Costa Rica- [Nepali] OKF Nepal- [Romanian], Victoria Vlad, Moldova- [Italian] Stefano BanderaThey are all available
#### Translations In progress
The OpenSpending guide is currently being translated into the following languages by a list of amazing community members:
[Japanese] Hal Seki, OKF Japan
[Hebrew] Mor Rubinstein
[Finnish] Henri Ahti
[Turkish] Umut Hanioglu
[Portuguese] Marco Tulio Pires
[Russian] Ivan Begtin
[French] Elisabetta Lombardo & Pierre Chrzanowski
If you can help translate into one of the languages already in progress, we'd love your help, so get in touch and we'll coordinate.
###Add your self to the OpenSpending Trello boards
Everyone can join the two OpenSpending Trello boards where we track what we are currenty working on:
- The
Activities board covers all other activities such as
translations of our guides. Join by pinging the board