Actions not words !!!

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od eenj

Aug 31, 2013, 2:19:18 AM8/31/13
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Actions not words !!!

A true believer should not only believe
in the God with these four attributes



with the word of the mouth;
 he should live the kind of life that would clearly
show to the people that he does not take anyone
else as his Rab ,
he takes God as his Rab;
he does not take Zaid or Umar (X or Y) his Rab.
 He should be full of certainty that it is only God
who rewards the actions
 (whether the reward is good or it is punishment);
 He knows the most hidden sins
that a man might commit.
 You should know it well,
 that verbal claims do not mean
anything whatsoever.
 He who takes God to be his
and Maalik-i-yaumiddin,
 in the true sense of the word,
 can never commit evil deeds like
 or other deeds like them,

he knows that all these things are devastating
and to commit them is to violate the commands of God.

The truth is that unless a man proves
that he is a true believer in God and !!!

 has very strong faith in Him,

 he cannot be the recipient of the blessings
and the grace of God which are granted to those
who are His near ones.
The blessings that are vouchsafed to those
who are near and dear to God have their sources
in those people being the possessors of high
certainty and strong faith;
 these are the people who give preference to God
over everything else in the whole universe.

You must try to realise that Islam does not tantamount to mere verbal profession of faith and some
"wazaa-if" (uttering of some words repeatedly for spiritual influence);
one's practical life should be so good
that he may become the recipient of the help
and succour of God and he may be vouchsafed
God's generous Bounties
 All the Prophets had their lives
very pure,
 trustworthy and of high morals.
 They were not like the ordinary people –

 their fasting,

 payment of zakat,

and bowing
and prostration
and recitation of sura Fatiha,

 was not like the! ordinary people
 they had caused a sort of death to everything in the world;

 the only thing they visualised was the Being of God the Almighty;

 they took Him alone as their Helper and real Sustainer.
 It is with Him that they had real communion
and it is of Him that they always thought
and it is in Him that they lived their lives.

(Malfoozat, Vol. 10, pg. 37)

od eenj

Aug 31, 2013, 2:53:40 AM8/31/13
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Thousands converge for International Islamic Conference

Posted by Zubair Khan

Source: Mr Abid Khan Press Desk London.

 The 47th Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK
began today at the vast Oaklands Farm site in Alton known as ‘Hadeeqatul Mahdi’.

The three-day international event has attracted global interest with around 30,000 delegates
attending from dozens of countries.
This year the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK is celebrating its 100year anniversary and the
Jalsa Salana is the biggest event taking place during the centenary year.
During the course of the first day, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, twice addressed the delegates. Firstly, during his Friday Sermon and then later during
the first full session of the Jalsa Salana. Further, as a means to officially inaugurate the event, His Holiness raised the Flag of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, whilst the Union Jack was also raised.
During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, spoke of the purposes of the Jalsa Salana.
He said it was a purely spiritual event and its purpose was to bring about positive moral changes
amongst all the participants in an effort to acquire the pleasure of God Almighty.
During the afternoon session, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke of how the Founder of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian had come to enlighten the world
of the true and peaceful teachings of Islam. He said the Promised Messiah had called on his followers to exhibit true faith in God through their actions, not just through their words.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said a key part of Islamic faith was to serve mankind. His Holiness
said that it was the duty of all true Muslims to fulfil the rights of others, rather than seeking only their
own rights. He said that the Promised Messiah had taught that the hearts of Muslims should be filled
with love for mankind.
Speaking about the 100 year anniversary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“This year we are celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK. However, this anniversary can only prove to be a source of true happiness if the 100 years have
led to a spiritual revolution amongst us that will continue through our future generations.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded his address by praying for peace in the world. He said
conflicts were increasing in various parts of the world and that the results of such clashes could be devastating. 

He urged all parties towards justice and fulfilling the due rights of one another.
The session concluded with a silent prayer before the thousands of Ahmadi Muslims dispersed to various locations. Some were camping at Hadeeqatul Mahdi; some had booked hotels nearby, whilst others were commuting.
At this year’s Jalsa Salana a number of exhibitions have been set up including a photographic exhibition illustrating the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and an exhibition documenting the 100 year
history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK. Another exhibition highlights the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in certain countries and its peaceful and positive response to all such unjust opposition.
The full proceedings of the Jalsa Salana are being broadcast worldwide on MTA International which
can be viewed on Sky 787 in the UK. It can also be streamed online on

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od eenj

Sep 1, 2013, 6:58:37 AM9/1/13
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More than half a Million Convert to Islam Ahmadiyya during the Past Year

Posted by Zubair Khan

His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad: the Worldwide Leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Source: Abid Khan Press Desk AMJ UK

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s annual convention continues in UK 
During a faith inspiring address at the 47th Jalsa Salana UK, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad announced that more than 540,000 people had joined the Community during the past year. His Holiness announced the figure whilst giving a detailed report of the global activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also informed that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had now been established in 204 countries of the world. During the past year the Jamaat had spread to two new countries – Costa Rica and Montenegro.

It was further announced that during the past year the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had built or acquired 394 new Mosques. These included new Mosques in Canada, Germany and Spain which had been personally inaugurated by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had also acquired 121 new Mission Houses or Centres.

As a means to serve Islam, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had now translated the Holy Quran into 71 different languages, whilst numerous other books had been published or translated in an effort to further the cause of true and peaceful Islam.

As a means to serve humanity, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had further increased the scope of its charitable projects in various parts of the world. In particular, His Holiness mentioned the ‘Water for Life’ project through which clean, running water was being provided to thousands of deprived people in remote parts of Africa. His Holiness said that such projects were of the utmost importance as they were a means of alleviating the suffering of those most in need.

Earlier in the day, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad directly addressed members of Lajna Imaillah (Ladies Auxiliary Organisation). His Holiness said that people from all walks of life, of all religions and from all parts of the world had come to accept the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. In this way the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was uniting mankind in peace and harmony.

His Holiness counselled that justice and equality at all levels were of the utmost importance. He said peace in society began with peace within the domestic environment.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
It is my observation that the fundamental causes for marriage breakdowns are egotism and selfishness. The truth is that if a husband and his wife treat each other with fairness and equality then there will never be any disputes. Certainly, the peace and beauty of any society is dependent upon justice and honesty at all levels.
Tomorrow marks the final day of this year’s Jalsa Salana UK.

The highlights will be the International Bai’at Ceremony
and the concluding address of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

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From: od eenj <>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:43 PM
Subject: Fw: Actions not words !!!

Why are thousands of Muslims in Hampshire this weekend ???

By Athar Ahmad

BBC Asian Network

Ahmadis have come to Hampshire from as far away as Fiji and Ghana

It promises to be a beautiful sunny weekend. But why have tens of thousands of Ahmadi Muslims come together in the picturesque Hampshire countryside ???

Rows of tents are pitched in a spacious field, with men and women of all ages enjoying the late summer sunshine. Regular loudspeaker announcements inform the crowd of who will be next on stage.

This is not a music festival but a religious convention. The three-day Jalsa Salana event in Alton, which is hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, is a celebration of the community’s centenary in the UK.

Organisers estimate more than 30,000 people will take part, with guests coming from as far as Fiji and Ghana.

“Gatherings like this are great as it shows that you can be proud to be both British and Muslim – you don’t need to choose between the two,” says Adeel Shah, 18, a student at one of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community’s Islamic universities.

Having grown up in multicultural south London, he was keen to invite his non-Muslim friends to the event.

Ahmadis have come to Hampshire from as far away as Fiji and Ghana

“As Muslims it’s our duty to give back to the country we live in and integrate with our neighbours. It’s important that we build friendships and relationships regardless of religious differences,” he said.
Mr Shah is one of hundreds of volunteers helping out at the convention, performing tasks ranging from putting up marquees to cooking meals for guests three times a day. A bakery has even been installed on site, producing 10,000 pieces of chapati bread per hour.

The Ahmadi Muslim community built London’s first mosque in 1926, which acted as a bomb shelter during World War II.

They have also often engaged in charity work designed to display loyalty to their host country, including selling poppies on behalf of the Royal British Legion.

The makeshift village is set up by volunteers each year and includes stalls, exhibitions and even a satellite television studio, which broadcasts the event live across the world. Members raised a union jack at the opening ceremony of the gathering and will form a human chain to “re-affirm their rejection of violence and extremism”.

The movement’s leader, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, addressed the convention, which also had guest speakers from other faiths.

Those behind the event say they want to show that Islam is a peaceful religion, particularly in light of an increase in the number of Islamaphobic attacks since the death of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

Rafiq Hayat, national president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, said this was vital.

“We strive to serve God and serve mankind. This is the essence of Islam that we adhere to, which
is based on a jihad of love and not a jihad of the sword,” he said.

The Ahmadiyya community is persecuted in places including Pakistan and its members have also faced hostility here. In 1974, the Pakistani government declared the sect non-Muslim because of theological differences with mainstream Islam, Mr Hayat added.

“We are proud to live in Britain and contribute to a country that offers true freedom to people of all faiths,” he said.

You can hear more on this story on the BBC Asian Network on Monday 2 September at 13:00 GMT
and 17:00 GMT or listen back on the BBC iPlayer.

od eenj

Sep 1, 2013, 7:25:18 AM9/1/13
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394 New Mosques during the Year

Posted by Zia Shah
Baitur Rahman Mosque in Valencia, Spain

By Ch.Maqbool Ahmad, India

On the second day of the annual convention (Jalsa Salana UK) Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V, addressed the first session of women. He said Islam is the only religion which has protected women rights. Today many countries are making laws for the welfare of women but these laws are for a time passed.

If world adopts Islamic Law which came 1400 years, then there will be no need to make new laws for women welfare. He said that in addition to their privileges women should also understand their responsibility.

In his second session address he said Ahmadiyyat has been spread in 204 countries. During the year 540,733 people have accepted Ahmadiyyat, True Islam. He presented the progress and improvements of the past year. He said new conversions were recorded in 116 countries. In India 3322 peoples joined Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further told in his speech that 394 new mosques worldwide during the year, which includes 353 locations newly added by the community and the rest of the locations came to the community, due to the mass conversions in the localities where the mosques were situated.

His Holiness announced that there were 565 new chapters established during the preceding twelve months and 121 new mission houses were added in 108 countries, bringing the total to nearly 2600 mission houses worldwide.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has already completed and published the Holy Quran translations in in 71 major languages of the world and there are over a dozen more translation in various near-completion stages.  Multitudes of people worldwide received Ahmadiyya message of peace through door-to-door knocks and distribution of millions of pieces of printed materials offering rel event snippets of Islamic teachings.

The convention proceedings are being broadcast live from Hadeeqatul Mahdi (Alton, UK) via the worldwide Muslim Television Ahmadiyya, International (MTA) and available in many languages.

Contact Ch.Maqbool Ahmad:

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