Hello :)
I'm new to this mailinglist and would love some advice on how to model a problem with Ohm :)
I'm trying to model a Taskboard with Ohm. In Ruby Code without persistence, it looks like this:
board = Board.new(
title: "My Board",
lanes: [
title: "Backlog",
cards: [ Card.new(title: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"), ... ]
Now I want to persist this with Ohm. Both the lanes within a board as well as the cards within a lane have an order. So I thought about something like this:
class Board < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
list :lanes, :Lane
class Lane < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
list :cards, :Card
class Card < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
This is basically a simple port of my Ruby Code to Ohm. But is that a good way to do it? I feel like querying for all cards on a board to display them will be quite cumbersome to query all cards for a board when I model it this way.
Any opinions or suggestions on that?
Best Wishes