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Internship opportunities: GSoC 2015 and OpenHIE

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Suranga Kasthurirathne

Feb 9, 2015, 11:42:35 AM2/9/15
to OHIE Architecture list


I wanted to remind everyone that the Google Summer of Code program is around the corner once again.

Last year, Ryan Crichton mentored Sara Fatima on the IHE Patient administration management project which helped OpenMRS to easily integrate with an HIE. 

We'd like to see OHIE benefit from this opportunity this year as well.

Since this is an OpenMRS program, we ask that any potential project ideas tackle use cases that are applicable not only to OHIE, but to the greater OpenMRS community. Any project that helps enhance ease of connecting OpenMRS to OpenHIE would be a great idea :-)

@Ryan C, and Hannes are already veteran mentors, and are sure to have potential ideas that would be of benefit to both OpenMRS and OpenHIE :-)

Thanks and best regards,

Suranga Kasthurirathne
Regional Community manager (Asia-Pacific)
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