July Slides + August Talks + Call For Speakers

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Michael Prendergast

Jul 26, 2018, 7:37:10 AM7/26/18
to Ottawa Ruby

Hi all,

Thanks for coming to last week’s meetup everyone.

Below you'll find 

1. Links to the slides and the speakers, 

2. What’s coming up next, and 

3. A call for speakers ;-)

We're looking for speakers for the September, October and November meetups (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced talks). If you have something you'd like to teach, please reach out by email or fill in the Ottawa Ruby Talk Proposal form.

1. What Happened?

Meetup sponsored by...

We couldn’t do this without our super nice sponsors. Please show them some love:

Space kindly sponsored by Shopify (they help you setup a shop to sell products online)

Drinks and snacks kindly sponsored by SpeedyRails (a cloud-hosting platform for Rails developers, with a DevOps Support option) 

Food kindly sponsored by Fullscript (they help healthcare practitioners dispense their supplements, without having to handle any inventory)

[Talk #1]: Why Unit Tests Matter, by Artur Malecki:


The benefits of unit tests, how to write them correctly and how they help with proper code design.


Slides: No slides yet. Check the meetup's comments section later for any updates Connect with Artur on LinkedIn

Follow Artur on Twitter: @artur_malecki

[Talk #2]: Jekyll in July, by Xander Miller:


It's the summer so why not do something light and fun?

Jekyll is a light and fun framework for generating static websites. And it's written in Ruby! Jekyll was first released by Tom Preston-Werner in 2008. Tom Preston-Werner is most prominently known for his role as founder and former CEO of GitHub. Jekyll is fully integrated in to Github as GitHub Pages.

Jekyll is ideal for documentation of a software project, writing a development blog or maintaining a portfolio library. Presenting Jekyll will be Xander Miller. Xander is a dabbling rubyist. Xander has tinkered with and taught Ruby on Rails for about five years. Xander wishes his could get his code to be half as good as this presentation.


Slides: Jekyll Pechakucha, and Jekyll Journey

Connect with Xander on LinkedIn

2. Up Next?

So far, here’s what we have lined up for the August 15th meetup:

[August Talk #1]: José Aguilera will be giving us a talk on Innovation Canada’s new platform, titled What can Government do for me?


From providing funding to giving expert advice to driving new collaborations, many levels of government offer a wide variety of programs and services designed to help businesses innovate, create jobs and grow Canada’s economy.

That is why the Government of Canada has created Innovation Canada (https://innovation.canada.ca), a one-stop-shop for Canada’s innovators and entrepreneurs.

Connect with José:

José on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/aguilerajose 

[August Talk #2]: Kerstin Puschke will be talking about Scaling a Monolith Isn't Scaling Microservices:


Slow requests to a payment gateway or a sudden spike in image uploads make background jobs crucial to scaling applications. But they require us to think differently about failure scenarios: we give up consistency guarantees, and we do not know if and when a job will succeed. Message oriented middleware (MOM) can replace background jobs and add benefits like publish-subscribe for messages between microservices. In this talk, you’ll learn how to work with background jobs efficiently and how they compare to a MOM using examples from one of the largest running Rails applications today.

Connect with Kerstin:

Kerstin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/titanoboa42 

Kerstin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerstinpuschke/

3. [Call for Speakers]: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Talks

We're looking for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced talks for the upcoming months.

Feel free to email back if you'd like to give a talk, or fill in this Talk Proposal Form.

4. Plan on coming next month? Please RSVP

You can RSVP for the meetup here:

 --> https://www.meetup.com/OttawaRuby/events/dzvdppyxlbtb/

5. Thanks all!

We hope to see you at the next Ruby meetup!

Have a great week,
The Ottawa Ruby Team

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