plans to support Elasticsearch 6.x on ogr2ogr?

35 peržiūros
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Osvaldo Banuelos

2018-12-21 18:33:402018-12-21
kam: ogr2elasticsearch
I'd like to index shapefile data to Elasticsearch using GDAL. Unfortunately, ogr2ogr does not work when the Elasticsearch instance version is 6.X.

Expected behavior
Executing the following command should create mappings and index data onto local Elasticsearch instance.

ogr2ogr -f "ElasticSearch" http://localhost:9200/gadm36_USA_1.shp

Actual behavior
ogr2ogr -f ElasticSearch http://localhost:9200/ gadm36_USA_1.shp

ERROR 1: HTTP error code : 405
ERROR 1: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [//gadm36_usa_1] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed

Steps to reproduce
ogr2ogr -f "ElasticSearch" http://localhost:9200/ gadm36_USA_1.shp

Downgrading to an older Elasticsearch version (5.X), the command above works. Are there any plans to support the latest Elastic release?

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