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Preston Holmes

Mar 14, 2008, 7:05:19 PM3/14/08
Well I went through the exercise today of trying to find this bug on a
virgin machine that has never seen OmniFocus or OFTD.

I even used a different Toodledo account.

While I discovered a couple things (namely that the OFTD requires
Leopard and Growl, both of which I thought were optional), and found a
bug unrelated to the current issues - I was NOT able to reproduce the
syncing glitches being reported here, so much for my primary dev
machine having something "special" about it.

How annoying.

I am more and more convinced that it has something to do with a bug in
Applescript in the way it access records and lists. The 11 thru -1
errors are coming from a different place than the 6 thru 10 errors
were, so I tried adding the same change in wording of the Applescript.

For those willing to keep at this, try .b24

Until I can figure out how to reproduce this here, I'm at the mercy of
your testing to try and figure this out.




Mar 14, 2008, 10:59:39 PM3/14/08

I finally caught wind of this script from the omnigroup forums today
and was delighted to something in development (which appears to have
been fully functioning) that might meet my needs until the Omni guys
and Apple allow a native iphone app. I've been able to create a
recreate a handful of error messages that have already been reported
but appear to have found one which doesn't come up in a search of the

Using my Leopard/Growl/OF v1.0.1 set up after wiping my TD account,
after the initial sync if I solely check one action on TD, OmniFocus
produces the following error:

"AppleScript reported the following error: Invalid date and time ng

The same error occurs when changing the same items checked state back
to unchecked.

If I add a task to TD and then try to sync through the toolbar entry
in OF I get the following error:

"AppleScript reported the following error: Can't make characters 6
thru 10 of "0" into type string."

Standard error that others have reported, I know. The interesting
part for me as I know absolutely nothing about AppleScript code or the
API Toodledo has provided is that the newly created action in TD is no
longer there. It's like since the handshake wasn't completed it drops
all previously unverified items. Additionally interesting is that a
task is added into my planning mode inbox with the action reading
"missing value" and does show the created and changed times as the
same time as the sync had previously been attempted.

Now for the insert and sync from OF to TD:

I created a test action item in OF and then performed a sync and once
again received the "invalid date and time" error message.
Additionally no new action was reported in TD.

At this point I decided to wipe the TD account leave the "new" test
action in and perform a sync. I was somewhat interested to see that
only the new item was inserted. My assumption is that either the
script or the API is solely searching for new/changed items since the
last sync.

When checking this action in TD, I get the same "invalid date" error
in OF upon sync. After deleting the action in TD without wiping the
account I get a message telling me that no changes where detected.
Remember this item was created in OF and has been deleted in TD but no
changes were detected. Thinking that this may be a server/client
timing issue I decided to wait a couple of minutes and try again to
see if the removal would be caught by the sync, unfortunately no

This is where things get really interesting, I wiped the TD account
again and tried creating a separate and new OF action. As expected it
(and only it) synced it up to the TD server no issue. Now I checked
the item off in OF and then proceeded to sync it again and this time
it showed up as an updated item in the sync report and successfully
was updated to a "completed" status in TD.

At this point I thought that was fairly interesting and decided to
uninstall both the OFTD and wipe the TD account. After quitting OF
and re-installing OFTD, I synced the system again. As expected all
my tasks moved right up, no issue. Decided to check off a couple of
items to see if they synced up as completed without issue. Sure
enough, the OF to TD completed status change gets through with the
display box clearly stating 2 items were updated in TD. I then tried
to uncheck these in OF and update them and once again the change in
status from OF to TD works without issue.

I decided to try one more change on the TD side before typing up this
post. I changed one of the action items in TD and then performed a
sync. Almost like clockwork once again the "invalid date and time"
error jumped up. This time that action was not removed from TD.

Well I wish I could provide more info away from my experienced error
messages in addition to my actions but I wouldn't have the slightest
idea on how to get you logs of what's happening in the script. If you
(or anyone else for that matter) have any interest in explaining how I
could get you something a bit more concrete I'd be more than willing
to give it a shot.



Mar 15, 2008, 8:32:45 AM3/15/08
OK, could this be a localisation issue or similar...

I'm UK based, all dates in OmniFocus I have as dd/mm/yyyy in display.
Toodledo I have as ISO format - yyyy-mm-dd

I'll start having a more detailed look at this later


Michael C.

Mar 15, 2008, 11:11:14 AM3/15/08
When I add a task to TD and attempt to sync I am still getting the
error "Can't make characters 6 thru 10 of "0" into type string."


Mark Shropshire

Mar 15, 2008, 1:47:19 PM3/15/08
to of...@googlegroups.com

I am still getting the 11 thru -1 error.


Michael C.

Mar 15, 2008, 10:48:34 PM3/15/08
I wanted to followup.

I added to tasks in TD. I got the error "Can't make characters 6 thru
10 of "0" into type string."

But 2 blank tasks (with description "MIssing Value" got added to my
inbox in OF with no folder and no context.

When I tried to sync again I got a new error:

"Invalid date and time ng va-misslue." I'm not sure what this means I
have never seen it before.


Mar 17, 2008, 11:52:19 PM3/17/08
I am having the same "11 thru -1 error" that you are reporting when I
make a change or add a task in TD. I can delete the offending task
from OF and not get an error. Just can not make changes in TD.


Mar 21, 2008, 6:43:27 PM3/21/08
Does anyone have an update on this? I am not able to use my iPhone at
this point to and update tasks. Bummer.
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