KEY: |
PSA - The Police District (first number=District) and area or police beat where the incident occurred. |
CCN - The Complaint Number for the incident. |
RPT DATE - Date the incident was reported to Police. |
SHIFT - Estimated tour of duty crime occurred. DAY=Day EVN=Evening MID=Midnight |
OFFENSE - Crime Classification. |
METHOD - Subcategory of the Crime or the Degree (i.e. Burglary 2 = 2nd Degree Burglary, meaning Burglar not in contact with the victim.) |
BLOCK - Block where the crime occurred. |
LOCATION - General description of location where crime occurred. |
START DT - Earliest datetime the incident could have occurred. |
END DT - Latest datetime the incident could have occurred. |
ADW - Assault With A Dangerous Weapon |
F&V - Force and Violence |
PBS - Pocketbook Snatch |
P/P - Pickpocket |
Please Note: On 1/10/2019, the Metropolitan Police Department realigned some police district and service area boundaries. The information in this report may reflect these updated boundaries. |