Analysis of Geo-Engineering

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Robert Impey

Jun 17, 2009, 9:00:13 AM6/17/09
to oedipus-decision-maker-discuss
After reading the following article on climate-enginerring:

I was left wondering how well Drama Theory could analyse the situation
faced by the various parties in this situation. The parties could be
seen as the governments of the industrialised nations, those of the
less developed nations, the populations of each and the

Everyone seems to want the same thing: to avoid catastrophic climate
change. However, the different parties fear different scenarios. The
developing nations fear that the developed nations will not act to
reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, and so turn to cheap geo-
engineering. The developed nations fear that the developing nations
will increase their emissions and that they will use potentially
disastrous geo-engineering techniques. Everyone fears that
greenfingers will use some poorly thought out geo-engineering
technique. The greenfingers fear that the developed nations will not
reduce their emissions and that the developing emissions will increase

What dilemmas are faced here? Could this be modelled using Oedipus?
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