I hope that if “Heather” contacts you, you will help!
From: auntie...@gmail.com [mailto:auntie...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 5:43 PM
To: 'odspfi...@googlegroups.com'
Subject: RE: [odspfireside: 52730 ] Do you recall.....
Here – call these folks. Things suck scissors for you and your son – so call in the big guns. Here are details on how to get their help via the phone and email during the scamdemic.
Good luck, and I’ve sent up knee-mails for you.
From: ARCH Intake [mailto:ARCHI...@lao.on.ca]
Sent: Thursday, March 4, 2021 12:44 PM
To: @@@gmail.com'
Subject: RE: ARCH intake procedure
Via email
March 4, 2021
The Summary Advice and Referral Service that ARCH provides is a telephone service. We do not respond to written requests for advice, or provide this service via email, fax, mail or courier. This service is provided directly to persons with disabilities in the province of Ontario.
Through our Summary Advice and Referral Service, ARCH staff lawyers provide legal information and advice on specific disability-related areas of law.
If you would like to contact us via telephone, ARCH can be contacted between the hours of 9:00am – 1:00pm, or 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday, via telephone at:
Telephone – 416-482-8255 or toll-free at 1-866-482-2724 ext. 0
Please note that as part of ARCH’s response to the current covid19 pandemic, in an effort to reduce demands on public health resources, as well as in an effort to protect our staff and the community we serve, ARCH’s physical office is currently closed, and therefore our phones are not being answered in person. If you do wish to contact ARCH, please do so at the above phone numbers. If you leave a message at extension 0, those messages are being monitored, and your call will be returned. Unfortunately we do not have access to our TTY at this time. Please also note that any calls returned will be coming from ‘unknown’ or ‘blocked ID’.
If, due to your disability, you cannot contact us via telephone, please respond and indicate that your disability requires you to communicate with us in an alternate method and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Yours truly,
Amanda Ward
Amanda Ward
Intake Coordinator and Rights Worker
ARCH Disability Law Centre
55 University Avenue, 15th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2H7
Tel: 416-482-8255 or 1-866-482-2724
TTY: 416-482-1254 or 1-866-482-2728 (TTY is currently not being answered)
Fax: 416-482-2981 or 1-866-881-2723
Website: www.archdisabilitylaw.ca
ARCH's physical office is temporarily closed as staff are working from home. All staff are still available by phone or email.
From: 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside [mailto:odspfi...@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 3:35 PM
To: odspfi...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52730 ] Do you recall.....
I haven't receive any correspondence of any kind from ODSP.
I can't seem to find anything in writing that would back me up.
It's about removing a dependent adult (my son) from my file. I support him financially 100%.
He is over 18, yet has a pretty serious mental illness.
He's housebound. Can't leave apt without severe anxieties.
He was given said status (because of paperwork we submitted) when my file was at one location. He even had a member ID #.
he had had that status for maybe 3 years now.
And now that my file is at this new location, she removed his status and money.
I appreciate your help.
On Friday, April 30, 2021, 03:07:53 p.m. EDT, L B <justic...@gmail.com> wrote:
You probably got a letter saying you had an overpayment. Write on it - “I request an internal review” and send it right back to them. Double the message up by phone as well. Tell them you can’t afford to have them take that much away and then tell them to reference Directive 11.1.
Hopefully the worker will apologize and cut you another cheque.
If she doesn’t, ask to speak to the office manager. Failing that you might have to go to the Social Benefits Tribunal, but let’s hope not.
If they fight you contact the Community Legal Aid Clinic in your area. Use this link to find it: https://www.legalaid.on.ca/legal-clinics/
Good luck.
On Apr 30, 2021, at 2:57 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Yes Louise. She took the full amount $700 all at once.
No prior notice , nothing.
I'm grateful for your help.
On Friday, April 30, 2021, 01:44:34 p.m. EDT, L B <justic...@gmail.com> wrote:
Did she take the full $700 all at once? If she did, then that is a problem. See: https://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/documents/en/mcss/social/directives/odsp/income_Support/11_1.pdf
I’ll find more details shortly and send them to you.
On Apr 30, 2021, at 1:23 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi Louise...
Maybe that's it.
I'm an oldie when it comes to being on ODSP and I seem to remember a booklet I got when I first was approved.
It contained the recipient's rights/responsibilities and the caseworkers rights/ responsibilities.
And I thought, on the caseworkers side, they were to do no undue harm (or hardship?)
My caseworker has taken back $700 off my cheq, which has caused me to not be able to afford my food for the month , nor afford the dressings I need for my leg ulcers.
We had a convo last Jan. Things she gave her word for, completely changed when I spoke to her yesterday.
Any advice would be welcomed.
On Friday, April 30, 2021, 07:26:39 a.m. EDT, L B <justic...@gmail.com> wrote:
Heather, do you mean undue hardship?
On Apr 30, 2021, at 6:25 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hello all...
Does anyone remember what was written about 'undo harm" , as far as the rights of recipients
on ODSP?
I may not have phrased that correctly.
Take care
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H phooey – double phooey! First I sent this to ARCH by mistake, and then to ODSP fireside where I was supposed to send it!!!
Then I thought I was telling ARCH to ignore the mistakenly sent one, and instead I sent it here.
I need new glasses.
I sure hope they can help Heather with this mess with ODSP and her son.
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On Apr 30, 2021, at 11:58 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
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On May 1, 2021, at 12:06 AM, auntie...@gmail.com wrote:
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Lol – ty~ I was also trying to do my tax return. and I’m sure I was having a brain fart by then!
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On May 2, 2021, at 1:00 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
On May 2, 2021, at 1:13 AM, Scott Young <jesse....@hotmail.com> wrote:
On May 2, 2021, at 7:58 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
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On May 2, 2021, at 8:51 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <odspfi...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
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Hey Angela and Louise and Scott!
I remember you folks! I guess I best put the “odspfireside-ers” back on my prayer list as regulars!
Not much happening on this group – the occasional fits and starts – then lots of nothing. I guess with the likes of fakebook etc., people drifted away. What I like about this group is you get the whole message in your email instead of just a notification that something is there to read. I suppose we could move to another platform – but NOT fakebook – maybe gab or mewe or thinkspot? Not Parler – they require a smart phone and I can only afford a dumbphone – it only makes phone calls, no text no sms no nothin’.
There is also tapatalk - it’s been under many different owners and names over the years – originally created to get all the MSN group refugees to move there when MSN Groups shut down. Tapatalk has message boards where you can have sub topics for popular types of Q & A. It’s searchable so better chances of locating where to put questions and where to look for answers that might already exist.
Aside from that, I’m bored out of my gourd with this scamdemic and the totalitarian BS from our elected and unelected public servants who think they are rulers! A pox on all their houses! A fluorescent purple, green and orange one all over their faces so everyone will know who they are! And, I’m wondering why I never got the $600 for being a disabled senior last year from the scamdemic top up. Maybe it’s because of my race, gender, sexual orientation - or some other make believe BS? You can’t get thru to anyone at CRA or Service Canada - both sites were down after the assorted data thefts last summer/fall, and whatever the heck is going on now. Even when they let you hold (which they don’t always do!) after an hour or two, it just drops your call – I gave up by end 2020.
If anyone is game to move to another platform, let’s keep in touch to discuss and investigate! There is an ODSP group on Facebook that’s not too bad – lots of dead time then a flurry of back and forth and then quiet again – a lot like here I guess, but faster cycling of the ups and downs.
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On May 2, 2021, at 10:32 PM, Rob S <misc...@gmail.com> wrote:
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On May 2, 2021, at 7:32 PM, abrowne <browne...@yahoo.com> wrote:
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On May 2, 2021, at 9:07 PM, Scott Young <jesse....@hotmail.com> wrote:
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