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RE: [odspfireside: 52730 ] Do you recall..... EEEK - IGNORE THIS - I EDITED/SENT TO AN ODSP ABUSE GROUP MEMBER

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Apr 30, 2021, 5:48:11 PM4/30/21

I hope that if “Heather” contacts you, you will help!


From: []
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 5:43 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [odspfireside: 52730 ] Do you recall.....


Here – call these folks.  Things suck scissors for you and your son – so call in the big guns.  Here are details on how to get their help via the phone and email during the scamdemic.
Good luck, and I’ve sent up knee-mails for you.



From: ARCH Intake []
Sent: Thursday, March 4, 2021 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: ARCH intake procedure


Via email


March 4, 2021



The Summary Advice and Referral Service that ARCH provides is a telephone service. We do not respond to written requests for advice, or provide this service via email, fax, mail or courier. This service is provided directly to persons with disabilities in the province of Ontario.


Through our Summary Advice and Referral Service, ARCH staff lawyers provide legal information and advice on specific disability-related areas of law.


If you would like to contact us via telephone, ARCH can be contacted between the hours of 9:00am – 1:00pm, or 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday, via telephone at:


Telephone – 416-482-8255 or toll-free at 1-866-482-2724 ext. 0


Please note that as part of ARCH’s response to the current covid19 pandemic, in an effort to reduce demands on public health resources, as well as in an effort to protect our staff and the community we serve, ARCH’s physical office is currently closed, and therefore our phones are not being answered in person. If you do wish to contact ARCH, please do so at the above phone numbers. If you leave a message at extension 0, those messages are being monitored, and your call will be returned. Unfortunately we do not have access to our TTY at this time. Please also note that any calls returned will be coming from ‘unknown’ or ‘blocked ID’.


If, due to your disability, you cannot contact us via telephone, please respond and indicate that your disability requires you to communicate with us in an alternate method and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


Yours truly,

Amanda Ward


Amanda Ward

Intake Coordinator and Rights Worker


ARCH Disability Law Centre

55 University Avenue, 15th Floor

Toronto, Ontario   M5J 2H7

Tel:   416-482-8255 or 1-866-482-2724

TTY: 416-482-1254 or 1-866-482-2728 (TTY is currently not being answered)

Fax:  416-482-2981 or 1-866-881-2723



ARCH's physical office is temporarily closed as staff are working from home.  All staff are still available by phone or email. 


From: 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside []
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52730 ] Do you recall.....




I haven't receive any correspondence of any kind from ODSP.


I can't seem to find anything in writing that would back me up. 


It's about removing a dependent adult (my son) from my file. I support him financially 100%. 

He is over 18, yet has a pretty serious mental illness.

He's housebound. Can't leave apt without severe anxieties. 


He was given said status (because of paperwork we submitted) when my file was at one location. He even had a member ID #. 

he had had that status for maybe 3 years now. 

And now that my file is at this new location, she removed his status and money.





I appreciate your help.



On Friday, April 30, 2021, 03:07:53 p.m. EDT, L B <> wrote:





You probably got a letter saying you had an overpayment. Write on it - “I request an internal review” and send it right back to them. Double the message up by phone as well. Tell them you can’t afford to have them take that much away and then tell them to reference Directive 11.1.


Hopefully the worker will apologize and cut you another cheque.


If she doesn’t, ask to speak to the office manager. Failing that you might have to go to the Social Benefits Tribunal, but let’s hope not.


If they fight you contact the Community Legal Aid Clinic in your area. Use this link to find it:


Good luck.






On Apr 30, 2021, at 2:57 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:


Yes Louise. She took the full amount $700 all at once.

No prior notice , nothing. 


I'm grateful for your help.



On Friday, April 30, 2021, 01:44:34 p.m. EDT, L B <> wrote:



Did she take the full $700 all at once? If she did, then that is a problem. See:


I’ll find more details shortly and send them to you.




On Apr 30, 2021, at 1:23 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:

Hi Louise...

                  Maybe that's it.


I'm an oldie when it comes to being on ODSP and I seem to remember a booklet I got when I first was approved.


It contained the recipient's rights/responsibilities and the caseworkers rights/ responsibilities.


And I thought, on the caseworkers side, they were to do no undue harm (or hardship?)


My caseworker has taken back $700 off my cheq, which has caused me to not be able to afford my food for the month , nor afford the dressings I need for my leg ulcers. 


We had a convo last Jan. Things she gave her word for, completely changed when I spoke to her yesterday. 


Any advice would be welcomed.




On Friday, April 30, 2021, 07:26:39 a.m. EDT, L B <> wrote:



Heather, do you mean undue hardship?




On Apr 30, 2021, at 6:25 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:

Hello all...


Does anyone remember what was written about 'undo harm" , as far as the rights of recipients

on ODSP? 


I may not have phrased that correctly.


Take care



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Heather M.c.

Apr 30, 2021, 11:58:46 PM4/30/21
Thanks again for everything.

It is complicated and the injustice  of it all, leaves me no choice but to try to find out if she was wrong to do that and have his status reinstated. 

I mean, his mental illness hasn't gone away, so why remove him? 

Man! I do not enjoy having to fight to keep every penny, over and over and over again.


May 1, 2021, 12:06:02 AM5/1/21

H phooey – double phooey!  First I sent this to ARCH by mistake, and then to ODSP fireside where I was supposed to send it!!!

Then I thought I was telling ARCH to ignore the mistakenly sent one, and instead I sent it here.

I need new glasses. 


I sure hope they can help Heather  with this mess with ODSP and her son.




May 1, 2021, 4:20:46 AM5/1/21

It just occurred to me…. they might have cut it off because he now qualifies for his own cheque from ODSP. Has he applied?


On Apr 30, 2021, at 11:58 PM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:


May 1, 2021, 4:22:23 AM5/1/21
Sounds like you passed the human test… no one’s perfect… mistakes happen. This proves you’re human!!


On May 1, 2021, at 12:06 AM, wrote:

May 1, 2021, 11:36:29 AM5/1/21

Lol – ty~  I was also trying to do my tax return. and I’m sure I was having a brain fart by then!

Heather M.c.

May 2, 2021, 1:00:25 AM5/2/21
Thank you.  I sure do appreciate your advice.

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 1:13:38 AM5/2/21
to 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside
I thought you guys were long gone. Glad you hung around.👊
Who's moderator now?

From: 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <>
Sent: May 2, 2021 1:00 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52740 ] Do you recall..... EEEK - IGNORE THIS - I EDITED/SENT TO AN ODSP ABUSE GROUP MEMBER


May 2, 2021, 1:50:19 AM5/2/21

I keep thinking about your dilemma and I have another question…. It just hit me…. You said your son had his own ODSP number for three years. Does this mean he was getting his own cheque? 

When you said they stopped giving you $700, do you mean they simply stopped sending his cheque or did they cut $700 of one of your cheques?

If your son’s cheque was arbitrarily stopped, then call in with his case # (or if can call, ask him to), and find out what grounds their using to stop his cheque. Maybe there was an update form that should have been sent in and it was either forgotten or got lost in the shuffle. 

My original replies were based on a clawback…. An overpayment. I’m now wondering after rereading the other details you sent, if the problem is that a cheque was cut off, they didn’t determine you had an overpayment and just take it back.

if there were two cheques and your son’s just stopped, I’m now wondering if they goofed and, because of COVID, aren’t in the office to dig deep enough to find out what’s going on. Some workers don’t dig deep enough to resolve issues so I’m trying to help you to find the exact question to ask them. 

As an aside, my worker was suddenly transferred to a new caseload. I had no one. Talk about a mess. When I called in I got no hints on where to go. I called the main line and repeatedly got dropped into voice mail messaging. I left a message and got no reply. Finally, one day I decided to call the direct line to my old worker. I thought that, if I was lucky, he’d answer and at least tell me who I could call.  Believe it or not, his number had been reassigned to his replacement. She was given none of my messages from the previous 3 months either.

This experience is what’s leading me to wonder how many other people are dropping through mismanagement cracks such as this. You’d think they’d send out a letter, but no dice…. It’s crazy.

Here’s hoping we can determine the exact problem so you can call back and give them enough clear details that they’ll finally clue in to what the problem is and can reinstate the $700.

I hope this helps.


On May 2, 2021, at 1:00 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:


May 2, 2021, 1:55:26 AM5/2/21
Hi Scott,

I have no idea who the moderator is. I think the group was just opened wide up a few years ago. Threat stopped the messages from being held in queue for the moderator to approve them.

People just gave up I think. There’d been that long stretch where no messages were going through so people just drifted away. 

It would be interesting to hear from the others…. Who’s still around?


On May 2, 2021, at 1:13 AM, Scott Young <> wrote:

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 2:08:27 AM5/2/21
to Louise,
I'm one of the originals, I joined in Niagara Falls.
The moderator was from there too, I forget her name.

From: <> on behalf of Louise <>
Sent: May 2, 2021 1:55 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52743 ] Do you recall.....
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May 2, 2021, 4:01:32 AM5/2/21
to Louise,

Are you kidding?  This group is still going on?  I have been just too tired, busy or whatnot to do much.  I thought it died from disuse.  Anyways, g=how is everybody?

- Niagara Region

Heather M.c.

May 2, 2021, 7:58:19 AM5/2/21
Thanks again Louise...

Back when my file was at another location, we (my son & I) sent in paperwork to DAU about my son's disability. There was paperwork from his School ...where he was first diagnosed, some medical referrals from doctors, when he was older, to emergency because couldn't cope with his anxieties/depression. I think I had maybe 4-5 examples of his mental illness I sent it.

Ok, (I wasn't expecting this btw, however...before my file was sent to this new location, the next cheque I got (after sending in the paperwork) had him on my file as a "dependent adult with a disability"  and he was given the $700 through my cheque. He also was given his own member Id #. 

Back in Jan, my new worker at my new location wanted him to apply for ODSP. I said we could try, yet I told her that my son couldn't cope with leaving the apt to see a worker, due to his social phobias. And getting him to focus on paperwork would probably not work out. That's where we left it. I tried to get him to apply online several times, to no avail.

Next thing I received was the direct deposit receipt saying that she took his $700 off my cheque and removed his Id # just like that! 

I'm trying to find out if she has the right to remove his status that the DAU gave him. 

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I still have to try to stand up for my son, whom can't fight for himself.

He actually came in my room because he saw on the back deposit receipt that his money was removed...
(and he remembered how she put my cheque on hold... all through Christmas we had no money for food, nothing... cuz she wouldn't call me back.
 She finally called in Jan (I had called her Dec 22/20 btw)  because an Ombudsman intervened for me.  

Anyways , my son said "why is she doing this to us?" I just started crying and said I don't know why but I'm going to try to fix it. 

That's the shots I've been taking from her. Now she's gone after my son.


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May 2, 2021, 8:30:11 AM5/2/21

I’m so sorry the lack of communication to clients in simple terms about how ODSP works (or doesn’t work), trapped you like this.

I’m now thinking the previous worker found one way to accommodate your son, and the new worker wants it done a different way. Both may technically be correct, but that doesn't help you any. They could have at least told you. 

Angela, now that you’re back, can you think of what might have happened? 

I’m wondering if her son’s age of 18 has something to do with it?

Heather, if I can find some time this afternoon I’ll try to read through the directives to try to figure out what might have happened. 

I’m single so I have no experience with family units or the rules about dependent children, but I’m willing to look.


On May 2, 2021, at 7:58 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:

Heather M.c.

May 2, 2021, 8:51:41 AM5/2/21
Thanks're kind words are appreciated. 

It's funny...well not's think when I spoke to her in Jan I asked her for mercy for my son and she said she had alot of mercy. 

Now here we are..(.like Dec 2020), with Mother's day and my birthday coming up....we have no money for food. know the reason my cheque was on hold for Dec's payment? She said the computer did it in error. Jeeez! She let me go from Dec 22/20 to the middle of Jan 2021 before she called me back. Thanks to the Ombudsman.



May 2, 2021, 9:33:56 AM5/2/21

Sadly this is the norm. The computer failed to cut your cheque and, in their mind, tough luck. 

What really annoys me is the number of times I see medical suppliers and others over billing ODSP in amounts that are beyond belief. Yet nothing is done to correct the problem. I’ve run into that with wheelchair repairs, getting prescribed splints, even getting parts for my CPAP machine. I’ve seen the company send me papers two months after repairs are done and ask me to sign it. They’ll threaten to bill me if I don’t. When the worker at the repair company continuously neglected to give me a copy of the work order, I had to get mighty creative to save my skin. I started photographing every paper I signed. I eventually developed a strategy whereby if I got one of those forms, and I was uncertain as to whether it had been signed for, I’d fax it to ODSP and tell them to double check it. I later found out from my case manager that they’ve been ordered to just pay it. They’re not able to devote staff time into double-checking these things. 

The irony is, read a job description for ODSP. The job of the worker is to check and double-check for evidence of fraud from the clients. 

I’ve even had my MPP involved but there doesn’t seem to be much political will to stop this part of the problem.

It’s unbelievable how much the companies will charge and sometimes duplicate charge ODSP for the services they provide and get away with it.

The worst part is the ODSP directives state they have the right to hold the client responsible for any overpayments. It freaks me out. It freaks me out. However I’ve learned to save my skin by being hypervigilant and do everything in my power to make sure that ODSP is not ripped off.


On May 2, 2021, at 8:51 AM, 'Heather M.c.' via ODSP Fireside <> wrote:

May 2, 2021, 12:38:34 PM5/2/21
to, Louise

Hey Angela and Louise and Scott!


I remember you folks! I guess I best put the “odspfireside-ers” back on my prayer list as regulars!

Not much happening on this group – the occasional fits and starts – then lots of nothing. I guess with the likes of fakebook etc., people drifted away.  What I like about this group is you get the whole message in your email instead of just a notification that something is there to read.  I suppose we could move to another platform – but NOT fakebook – maybe gab or mewe or thinkspot?  Not Parler – they require a smart phone and I can only afford a dumbphone – it only makes phone calls, no text no sms no nothin’.


There is also tapatalk - it’s been under many different owners and names over the years – originally created to get all the MSN group refugees to move there when MSN Groups shut down. Tapatalk has message boards where you can have sub topics for popular types of Q & A. It’s searchable so better chances of locating where to put questions and where to look for answers that might already exist. 


Aside from that, I’m bored out of my gourd with this scamdemic and the totalitarian BS  from our elected and unelected public servants who think they are rulers!  A pox on all their houses! A fluorescent purple, green and orange one all over their faces so everyone will know who they are! And, I’m wondering why I never got the $600 for being a disabled senior last year from the scamdemic top up. Maybe it’s because of my race, gender, sexual orientation - or some other make believe BS? You can’t get thru to anyone at CRA or Service Canada - both sites were down after the assorted data thefts last summer/fall, and whatever the heck is going on now.  Even when they let you hold (which they don’t always do!) after an hour or two, it just drops your call – I gave up by end 2020.


If anyone is game to move to another platform, let’s keep in touch to discuss and investigate!  There is an ODSP group on Facebook that’s not too bad – lots of dead time then a flurry of back and forth and then quiet again – a lot like here I guess, but faster cycling of the ups and downs. 




Rob S

May 2, 2021, 3:32:32 PM5/2/21
im still here
from toronto currently
still on odsp but pretty sure i will be off it before the end of the year
i know ive been in the group for a while but not sure how old it was when i joined
im also on most or all the groups on fb, the ones for singles too lol
i find mosy of what goes on, on those groups are just stupid questions and not much real content

arif þahinbay

May 2, 2021, 3:41:12 PM5/2/21
This site helped me a lot when I first apply to Odsp 

Sent from my iPad

On May 2, 2021, at 10:32 PM, Rob S <> wrote:

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 6:57:06 PM5/2/21
to arif þahinbay,
If you're patient and wade through the crap you can find the occasional golden nugget of information.🙂

From: <> on behalf of arif þahinbay <>
Sent: May 2, 2021 3:41 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52752 ] Do you recall.....

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 7:17:55 PM5/2/21
to,, Louise
I remember you and Angela, I'm in, I just don't have time to be a moderator.

From: <> on behalf of <>
Sent: May 2, 2021 12:38 PM
To: <>; 'Louise' <>
Subject: RE: [odspfireside: 52750 ] Do you recall.....


May 2, 2021, 7:33:01 PM5/2/21
to,, Louise
How does one take over moderation?  I could do this, but I would like somebody else to share the responsibility.



May 2, 2021, 7:50:58 PM5/2/21
Do we need it?

Chris Carey was the last moderator. He’ll have the password. Maybe we can ask him if his email address is still alive.


On May 2, 2021, at 7:32 PM, abrowne <> wrote:

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 8:55:25 PM5/2/21
Let's do it. I Use my real name too. I remember reading Chris's posts.

From: <> on behalf of L B <>
Sent: Sunday, May 2, 2021 7:50:52 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52756 ] Do you recall.....

Wade Suplat

May 2, 2021, 9:04:21 PM5/2/21
haven't heard from this group in ages glad to see its still around.

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Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 9:07:11 PM5/2/21
If we do this let's make it so idiots are blocked right away. There should be no tolerance for disrespectful or intolerant behavior.
That's how it used to be.
We used to call them flamers.
From: <> on behalf of Wade Suplat <>
Sent: Sunday, May 2, 2021 9:04:07 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52758 ] Do you recall.....


May 2, 2021, 9:15:41 PM5/2/21

I wrote an email to the last email address for Chris. The email didn’t bounce so, with any luck, he’ll answer. 

I tried to find out facts about the group… moderator name, etc., and I could find nothing.

If we can get the login info we can then make sure settings are set to properly manage it. For now it looks like we can just use the site. The posts are at least going through.

I have a phone number for Chris as well, but if I remember correctly, the last time I tried it, it was dead. I’ll wait to see if he replies to the email first.

Sound like a plan?


On May 2, 2021, at 9:07 PM, Scott Young <> wrote:

Scott Young

May 2, 2021, 11:58:15 PM5/2/21
Sounds great. I'm still on ODSP but I plan on working in the near future. Can't be a moderator but I'll contribute what I can.🙂

Sent: May 2, 2021 9:15 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [odspfireside: 52760 ] Do you recall.....
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