Octomap path planning

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Jul 18, 2019, 12:04:24 PM7/18/19
to OctoMap developers and users discussion
Hello, I want to use octomap map to do path planning. Is this necessary to be in the ros system?

Federico Ferri

Jul 18, 2019, 1:18:45 PM7/18/19
to oct...@googlegroups.com, penggf
You can write a ROS node interfacing with octomap_server[1], for example subscribing to the ‘octomap_binary’ topic, then using the octomap_msgs::binaryMsgToMap(const Octomap &msg) found in [2] to get a octomap::AbstractOcTree object.
If you are writing software to work with ROS then it’s probably the best thing to do.

Otherwise (how are you getting the octomap map? is it from a file I suppose?), just use the octomap library.

Federico Ferri

On 18 July 2019 at 14:04:26, penggf (jxpe...@gmail.com) wrote:

Hello, I want to use octomap map to do path planning. Is this necessary to be in the ros system?
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Dominik Ż.

Sep 15, 2019, 11:36:00 AM9/15/19
to OctoMap developers and users discussion
Let's assume I have a binary octomap file. I saw a method (double octomath::Pose6D::distance ( const Pose6D & other) const) that should return the translational (euclidian) distance to point, correct? What if I needed a path between points A and B, which would include a true distance between those two points?

If it isn't as simple as that, assuming I'll use the translational distance as a simplification, how do I feed the function with said points? Pose6D is composed of Vector3 and a Quaternion (which is irrelevant to me, is it not?). Do I set point A as a Pose6D object and use it's 'distance' method with point B as an argument?

Sincerely yours,

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