I'm rendering an object on top of octovis's octomap (I have an underlying octomap as well) using something very similar to Trajectory Drawer (which I started from). This objects position is updated at approx 1Hz. I would like to have the camera track that object at a fixed offset and orientation.
When I enable tracking, I take a delta between the camera and the current position of the object. Then, every time the object position is updated, I apply that delta to the new object position and that is the new camera position. I call ViewerWidget::setCamPosition, with that new position as the new x, y, z values and the actual object position as the lookX/Y/Z values. This does not seem to work - I believe I'm tracking the position correctly, but the orientation is off.
I've tried editing ViewerWidget::setCamPosition commenting out the call to camera()->setOrientation and/or camera()->setUpVector, but that didn't work either. Note that, because of the way my octomap is derived, I'm actually "underneath" the octomap - not that that really should matter I think?
I've tried capturing the camera orientation when I enable tracking so I can restore it when the object position updates (I added new functions to ViewerWidget to let me just set the position and orientation), but that didn't work.
I think I'm missing something about how QGLViewer works with this camera() and frame(). Any suggestions?