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[Project using octomap] Real-time voxel based 3D semantic mapping with a hand held RGB-D camera

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Aug 28, 2018, 3:02:48 AM8/28/18
to OctoMap developers and users discussion

I would like to announce our project which uses octomap to build a 3D semantic map [].

We use octomap to build a voxel based semantic map with a visual SLAM system. Voxel filter and a limited range for raycasting are used to be able to construct a map at 1-2 Hz. The system is built in ROS and visualization is done in RVIZ with octomap rviz plugin.

A custom octree for semantics is used. We first use PCL library with custom point types to store semantics information in point cloud . Then we insert the point cloud into a semantic octree.  Also, different semantic fusion methods are used.

Hope that this could help future users who want to use semantics information together with octomap or tho want to build an octomap in real time.


DLonng C

Jul 2, 2020, 3:29:47 AM7/2/20
to OctoMap developers and users discussion
Thank you very much!

XMU DLonng

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