Drain the State Capitol Swamp

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John Michener

May 12, 2018, 10:40:14 PM5/12/18
to Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee

Online version

1.  OCPAC Program: Candidate Interviews

2.  Conservative Index

3.  Lame Legislative Leadership

4.  Mahoney v. McDugle, Round 2


1.  OCPAC Program.  On Wednesday, May 16, at noon at Mama Roja we will interview candidates for Senate Districts 16 (Cleveland), House District 82 (Oklahoma), and House District 25 (Pontotoc).


2.  Conservative Index.  The Oklahoma Conservative Index is a critical way to hold legislators accountable to their conservative campaign claims.  It is an objective standard that grades actual votes against a truly conservative standard.  OCPAC is currently receiving nominations from legislators for bills to use on the 2018 Conservative Index.  On Wednesday, May 23, during our regular meeting time and place, OCPAC will debate the bills and vote to determine the final ten bills to be used on the Index.  This is an open meeting, and anyone may attend and debate for or against the inclusion of particular bills.  However, in order to vote, you must be a current, dues-paying member of OCPAC at least two weeks before the vote.  We hope you will make a special effort to attend on May 23.


3.  Lame Legislative Leadership.  The awaited veto of “Constitutional Carry” (SB 1212) finally arrived last Friday.  Sadly, in the eyes of most people on the street, Mary Fallin will take all the blame.  It is too bad the majority of voters will never understand that it was lame legislative leaders like Speaker Charles McCall, Floor Leader Jon Echols, and Pro Tem-elect Greg Treat who let it happen.  Rather than stand by to protect our right to self defense from our pathetic governor, they called it quits and went home three weeks early, knowing that this governor was not likely to approve the bill.  By not keeping the session active, legislative leaders proved they do not really care about protecting our rights.


4.  Mahoney v. McDugle, Round 2.  Out in House District 12, Wagoner Co., the fighting is getting fierce.  We previously reported on the incumbent Rep. Kevin McDugle’s poor policy performance and lack of character, but now he is hitting his conservative opponent Nick Mahoney below the belt.  It appears McDugle may have leveraged his influence and friendship with Mahoney’s boss, to get Mahoney fired from his job for not dropping out of the race after being threatened.  Here is a press release regarding the scandal:


“Wagoner, OK  – Nick Mahoney, a Republican candidate for House District 12 and a seven-year Wagoner County Deputy Sheriff, was terminated abruptly Monday morning by the Wagoner County Sheriff’s Department.  His termination was preceded by statements made by Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliott that he would fire Mahoney if he did not exit the race for House District 12, along with statements made by Judy Elliott, Wagoner County 911 coordinator and Elliott’s wife, that running for State House District 12 will have consequences.


When I shared my intentions to run for State House District 12 with Sheriff Elliott last January, he initially indicated that he wished me the best of luck, but that he was supporting Kevin McDugle, my opponent in the State House District 12 race, said Mahoney.


“Mahoney then explained how quickly the tone from the Sheriff changed as Mahoney received dozens of personal emails, phone calls, and text messages accusing Sheriff Elliott of actively campaigning against Mahoney, slandering Mahoney’s reputation and demanding citizens remove Mahoney’s yard signs from private property.  It’s pretty discouraging to find out Elliott has told people that he’s going to demand I drop out of the race or be fired from the Sheriff’s Department.


“Mahoney then talked about how Elliott started abusing his power as Mahoney’s boss by demoting Mahoney, taking away Mahoney’s police car and instead making him drive the department’s oldest model, and switching Mahoney’s work schedule from day to night shift.  There is no doubt that Sheriff Elliott was taking punitive actions against me in the workplace, said Mahoney…  My firing was political payback for daring to run against Sheriff Elliott’s friend, Kevin McDugle.


Mahoney has retained legal counsel and is considering all legal options, including wrongful termination.  They are looking into the possible ethics violations for the Sheriff's inappropriate actions to influence an election.  I am determined now more than ever in my campaign for State House District 12.  It just goes to show how far Sheriff Elliott will go to help my opponent retain power.  It is a prime example of government corruption, and our district deserves better.  In the end, I believe it only reinforces my campaign to restore integrity and provide new leadership for the people of Wagoner County.”


Former Congressman Jim Bridenstine has retracted his endorsement of McDugle and asked that it be removed from McDugle’s website.  Similarly, State Rep. John Bennett has retracted his endorsement of Kevin and has endorsed Nick Mahoney.  Likewise, State Senator Josh Brecheen has endorsed Nick Mahoney.


The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members…although they should.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.  Authorized and paid for by Oklahoma Conservative PAC, PO Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083. 

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