when RICHARDSON divides, LIBERALS conquer

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John Michener

Mar 25, 2018, 8:24:02 AM3/25/18
to Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee

Online version

1.  When Richardson Divides, Liberals Conquer

2. Second Amendment Rally

3.  Gubernatorial Voter Guide

4.  OCPAC Program

5.  OCPAC Awards

6.  Gubernatorial Candidate Forum

7.  Christian Values Summit


1.  When Richardson Divides, Liberals Conquer.  In 2002 Brad Henry became the Democratic Governor of Oklahoma with only 43% of the vote.  For that he can thank Gary Richardson, who ran as an Independent, thus splitting the vote and handing the election to the Democrat by less than 1%.  Richardson is running again this year, and just as before, he has a chance to spoil the election.  Having decided that he is now a Republican, Richardson has attracted some of the party’s liberty voters who like his message about auditing the turnpikes and targeting corruption.  However, we would like to warn our readers about his serious flaws and the potential consequences of voting for him.  First, there is a question of trust.  He was an Independent; now he is a Republican.  This should make any thoughtful voter wonder how well Richardson knows or supports the party platform.  Then there are his policy weaknesses.  He does not understand state sovereignty, much less plan to protect our citizens from federal overreach.  In fact, he is on the record saying we must comply with immoral and unconstitutional federal edicts.  And finally, we must consider the possible result of voting for Richardson.  If too many liberty voters vote for Richardson, causing the phenomenal Fisher movement to come up just short, Richardson will once again have delivered us another typical politician, this time to be the Republican nominee.  Do we really want another pro-abortion-pro-life, tax-and-spend, Fallin-like Republican?


2.  Second Amendment Rally.  The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association is hosting a rally on Monday, March 26 from 1:00 to 1:45 p.m. in the state capitol building on the fourth floor rotunda.


3.  Gubernatorial Voter Guide.  Five candidates for governor of Oklahoma are running as Republicans.  What might each be expected to do to stop abortion if elected?  Read about each candidate’s position in the Gubernatorial Voter Guide published by Oklahomans United for Life.


4.  OCPAC Program.  On Wednesday, March 21, at noon at Mama Roja former Representative Paul Wesselhoft will be talking about his new books.


5.  OCPAC Awards.  On Tuesday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. OCPAC will present its annual legislative awards at the Capitol View Event Center, 5201 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City.  There will be no dinner nor banquet; only a modest and short presentation, followed by a gubernatorial candidate forum.  The event is free and open to the public.  Congratulations to our award winners:  Senators Nathan Dahm, Josh Brecheen, and Anthony Sykes; Representatives David Brumbaugh (posthumously), Jason Murphey, Chuck Strohm, Tommy Hardin, Tom Gann, and Rick West.


6.  Gubernatorial Candidate Forum.  On Tuesday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. OCPAC will host a Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Forum on the topic of abortion.  The forum will begin immediately following a short awards presentation and will run for approximately one hour to ninety minutes, depending on candidate participation.  Each candidate will have adequate time to explain his position on abortion and present any policy changes he would recommend or implement as governor.  Then the candidates will be allowed to cross-examine each other and answer questions from the moderator and the audience.  This event is free and open to the public.  The location is the Capitol View Event Center, 5201 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City.


7.  Christian Values Summit.  On March 29 & 30, the Christian Values Summit in Tulsa, Oklahoma, promises to reaffirm the Christian values upon which our nation was founded and remind us of our Christian heritage and constitutional rights.  The inspiring speakers will challenge you, encourage you, and remind you of our hope in God’s power to restore our nation.  The summit is free, but you must register in advance.


The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members…although they should.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.  Authorized and paid for by Oklahoma Conservative PAC, PO Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083. 

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