taking a crack at POT

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John Michener

May 26, 2018, 10:52:18 PM5/26/18
to Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee

Online version

1.  Good Guys With Guns

2.  Taking a Crack at Pot

3.  OCPAC Program


1.  Good Guys With Guns.  On Wednesday, October 16, 1991, I was finishing off a baked potato in the school lunchroom as others were sitting down to lunch at Luby’s Cafeteria just eleven miles away in Killeen, Texas.  At Luby’s, a man opened fire with two pistols, shooting his victims at point blank range, killing twenty-three people and injuring twenty-seven others.  He reloaded at least three times before police arrived.  No one was prepared to fight back.  Suzanna Hupp owned a gun and knew how to use it, but she had taken it out of her purse in compliance with Texas gun control laws.  Both of her parents were killed that day, and she lives with the anguish of not having been able to defend them or others.


It was déjà vu when another restaurant shooting took place last Thursday evening, May 24, here in Oklahoma City, right across the parking lot from where we hold our weekly OCPAC meetings.  Fortunately, two good guys with guns stopped the shooter, permanently, before he could kill anyone. 


These stories illustrate why everyone who is willing, able, and prepared should be carrying arms to help defend themselves and others around them.  The right to life means nothing at all without the ability to defend it.  If we delegate that right to a policeman patrolling several blocks away from an attack, we will be helpless.  We need good guys with guns everywhere.


2.  Taking a Crack at Pot:  State Question 788.  Ginseng, aloe vera, witch hazel, and cannabis…all medicinal plants than can easily be grown on one’s personal property, except that to grow one in particular will land you in trouble with the law.  We are far from the ideal of liberty, private property rights, and free markets.  But on June 26, the people of Oklahoma might vote to legalize cannabis under certain circumstances.  Is State Question 788 a good thing or a bad thing?  How now shall we vote?  Let us examine some of the positives and negatives of the proposal.



1.  To legalize some use of cannabis for medical purposes would be at least a small step towards liberty, private property rights, and free markets.


2.  Suffering patients would finally get access to a much-needed drug.


3.  SQ 788 proposes statutory changes, not constitutional changes.  This is important to understand for those who worry about weaknesses of the law.  Because these are simple statutes being proposed, our state legislature could easily amend them, or even completely repeal them, by a simple majority vote.  That means we would have the flexibility to improve the law as needed in the future.




Evangelical Christians will no doubt vote NO because they see the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, the camel being out of control recreational use which they believe would lead to even more cultural decay and expensive societal problems.  Likewise, Libertarians would want to vote NO based on principle.  A Libertarian should never, never, never vote to grant new or expanded power and control to government.  Their agenda would be better served by passing on this Pandora’s Box, and waiting for complete legalization with no strings attached.  They may believe voting YES will give them a slippery slope to a spring of living water, but the slide will actually end up in a putrid political swamp.  Consider:


1.  Not to treat cannabis like any other plant and legalize it for everyone perpetuates the violation of liberty and property rights.


2.  To legalize cannabis for only state-approved people and purposes violates the free market.  State bureaucrats with political connections will pick winners and losers.


3.  Because of state control, crony capitalism will extend to yet another industry, as the influence and money of new lobbyists pour into the state capitol swamp.


4.  SQ 788 would create a fascist Ministry of Medijuana with total control over the industry.  Just look at all the licenses being proposed:

  • License to use ($100)
  • License to give care
  • License to sell ($2,500)
  • License to grow ($2,500)
  • License to process ($2,500)
  • License to transport
  • License to research

5.  The new state agency would fall under the State Department of Health, the same corrupt department that “lost” at least $30 million.


6.  Once this new agency is created, it will immediately begin to protect and grow its power.  We would likely never be able to capture, control, or decapitate the new state beast.


7.  Because the proposal consists of simple statutory changes, the legislature can construct and add even more odious restrictions and regulations on using, licensing, growing, producing, selling, transporting, researching, and…TAXING cannabis!


8.  Should the state be micromanaging and controlling every person, every acre, every facility, and every ounce of product along the supply chain?  Will the state do a fair, equitable, and efficient job of controlling the industry?


9.  And how will the state actually control cannabis?  The legislature or the new Ministry of Medijuana could create a new Gestapo-like force to police the whole industry.  Do we want state agents snooping around our private property, harassing us and making demands?  Could this power ever be abused?


Sometimes a shiny bracelet that looks like liberty is really a shackle in disguise.  Dare we try it on?


3.  OCPAC Program.  On Wednesday, May 16, at noon at Mama Roja we will interview candidates for House Districts 98 (Tulsa, Wagoner), 48 (Carter, Garvin, Murray), 46 (Cleveland), 43 (Canadian), and 26 (Pottawatomie).


The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members…although they should.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.  Authorized and paid for by Oklahoma Conservative PAC, PO Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083. 

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