Clang 3.3 vs Clang trunk

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Joris Dauphin

Oct 4, 2013, 10:37:47 AM10/4/13
Current trunk doesn't work with Clang 3.3 (but does with clang trunk).

I'm wondering whether all those clang related commits should go in there own branch.

I personally only use the latest release version of lib (so Clang 3.3) as clang takes a very *long* time to compile and it is a release version.

Currently, we can't really release a version of OCLint because it would be based on clang trunk...

Any though about it ?

Longyi Qi

Oct 4, 2013, 11:27:22 AM10/4/13
to Joris Dauphin,
Hi Joris,
Your observation is absolutely right, the master branch always try to catch up with the clang trunk updates.

We have release branches that are ensured to work against a stable version clang, for example, oclint 0.7 branch will work for clang 3.3 release.

We can't release 0.8 version based on clang trunk, but current clang trunk will be branched out by the beginning of Dec, at that time, we will branch our code for oclint 0.8 version as well.

Our continuous integration system will notify us whenever the build fails. For example, check this out,, due to the recently update of LLVM runtime changes, the builds started to fail since the beginning of this month. And has been addressed in this pull request

I personally prefer running against clang trunk for oclint master branch, this will help reduce the technical debt of this project, which helps in a long term. Another benefit of employing a continuous integration is that, we actually don't need to update clang everyday on our development box unless the build turns red, since CI will always build a fresh clang for us, and guarantee us a broken build when Clang changes its API.


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Joris Dauphin

Oct 15, 2013, 1:16:12 PM10/15/13
to, Joris Dauphin
Just a note: I have a branch for clang3.3 compatibility:

branch Clang3.3

Longyi Qi

Oct 15, 2013, 9:18:46 PM10/15/13
to Joris Dauphin,
Great, thank you for working on the back-compatibility.
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