Okay, so an update:
1) as Tony suggested I tried first converting in Nuke to vd16, then applying the CC, and writing that out as a 3DLUT. Oddly that did not work. The CC shifts the colors towards red, but keeps the highlights white. When I generated a 3D LUT with vd16+CC and applied that to linear color space in the config, I got pink highlights.
What did work is to generate the LUT the other way around: CC+vd16 LUT, applied to linear color space in the config. That matches Nuke in the opposite order: vd16+CC.
Honestly, I'm a wee bit baffled as to why these opposite combos match.
2) Ideally it would be good to do these CCs in log space since as you said a LUT only has 0-1 range. The filmic OCIO config works in log color space, and applies a look contrast curve to that for the display. The difficulty with spi-anim vd16.spi1d LUT is that it performs a lin2log conversion and then a log2sRGB conversion all in the same LUT. So if I did a CC in log space and then applied vd16 on that, it would be doing linear to log twice:
lin to log + CC + vd16 = lin to log + CC + (lin to log + log to sRGB Film curve)
So the question would be: how can I remove the lin to log shaper from the spi-anim vd16 1d LUT?