icc profiles with ociobakelut

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Derek Flood

Jul 21, 2017, 2:20:15 PM7/21/17
to OpenColorIO Users
I'm getting some really odd behavior with an icc profile generated to display a linear EXR in Photoshop with the spi-anim vd16 color space. Here's the command line for ociobakelut:

ociobakelut.exe  --inputspace lnf --outputspace vd16 --format icc ..\OpenColorIO-Configs-master\spi-anim\luts\BAKE_inf2vd16.icc

When I assign this profile in Photoshop (CC 2017 on Windows 10) I get the crazy colors on image on the right. On the left is the EXR in Photoshop with the default profile

Sean Cooper

Jul 24, 2017, 8:49:09 PM7/24/17
to ocio-...@googlegroups.com
I don't have Windows Photoshop in front of me to test; though this might be a large source of error in the library.

Would you be ale to carry this over to an issue on GitHub? If your not familiar with that I can certainly do it for you and cite this thread.

In my preliminary test I have created an ICC Profile with ociobakelut using the same transforms you have described, and applied them to JPG via jpgicc provided by the Little-CMS project, and don't see error as dramatic as the one your presenting. Some errors are expected because of the precision loss due to having a Linear -> Display style ICC/3DLUT, which are generally handled by either using a "shaper" LUT or working with Logarithmic images within integer applications like Photoshop.

Long story short, it may be related to the Linear EXR behaviour in Photoshop, though we bake ICC's for Photoshop fairly regularly. It may also be the Windows build of ociobakelut.

Did you build from the latest Master, or are you pulling the 1.0.9 release?

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Jul 24, 2017, 9:37:59 PM7/24/17
to OpenColorIO Users
I think you've found a bug.

So I guess you are assigning the profile by going to Edit > Assign Profile? Is the EXR still in 32-bit mode? I'm testing it on a Photoshop for Mac and don't see what you're seeing. In 32-bit mode, it probably shouldn't look like there's been any change at all.

Derek Flood

Jul 25, 2017, 1:33:54 PM7/25/17
to OpenColorIO Users

On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 5:49:09 PM UTC-7, Sean Cooper wrote:

In my preliminary test I have created an ICC Profile with ociobakelut using the same transforms you have described, and applied them to JPG via jpgicc provided by the Little-CMS project, and don't see error as dramatic as the one your presenting.

This only happens when applied to an EXR. I don't see any problems with 8-bit images like jpegs.
Did you build from the latest Master, or are you pulling the 1.0.9 release?

 I believe my version of ociobakelut was compiled with OpenImageIO-1.6.18. However I get the same result with Brendan's  (fnorware's) Photoshop plugin. I'm guessing that was made with a more recent build...

Derek Flood

Jul 25, 2017, 1:39:26 PM7/25/17
to OpenColorIO Users

On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 6:37:59 PM UTC-7, fnordware wrote:

So I guess you are assigning the profile by going to Edit > Assign Profile?

Yes. If I instead use  view > proof setup > custom it works fine. To me that's a viable workaround. I was just surprised at the crazy results.

Is the EXR still in 32-bit mode?


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