Re: [ocio-dev] Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Blake Sloan

Apr 17, 2018, 12:17:04 AM4/17/18
Hi Abraham,

The reference colorspace is the one that every colorspace defined in the config converts from (or to). It may or may not be defined in the config. If it does, the to_reference and from_reference transforms for the reference colorspace are necessarily null.

As for the purpose of having a reference colorspace, one cannot simply take a bunch of pixel values and transform them to colorspace X without knowing the colorspace associated with the incoming pixel values -- a transformation requires well-defined source and destination colorspaces.

Within ocio, a conversion from colorspace X to colorspace Y is built by concatenating colorspace X's from_reference and colorspace Y's to_reference*.

The alternative to having a reference colorspace would be for the config to define transformations from each colorspace in the config to every other colorspace in the config, which I think is N! entities instead of N. 

The ACES 1.0.3 config uses ACES-2065 as its reference colorspace, but a custom config could as easily define all of it's colorspaces in terms of an ACEScg reference or some camera vendor's encoding and gamut.

*most ocio colorspaces are invertible so they need only provide a from_ or a to_.

Hoping this is helpful.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018, 1:34 PM <> wrote:
Abraham Schneider <>: Apr 16 12:38AM -0700

Hi there!
I just posted this question on the ACES
It seems like it's not just me that is unsure, how OCIO decides, which
colorspace in a config is used as the reference space, that all other
colorspaces are related to. And what excact purpose the 'reference' role
Could you maybe have a look at this and shine some light on this topic?
Thanks, Abraham
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Abraham Schneider

Apr 17, 2018, 4:20:05 AM4/17/18
to OpenColorIO Developers
Hi there!

Thanks for your answer. The reason for a reference colourspace and the 'star topology' of the colorspaces is perspicous for me. I was just wandering, why the ACES 1.0.3 config has at least 2 colourspace that are missing all 'from' and 'to' transforms (and in this definition would both be THE reference), why the 'reference' role points to 'Utility - Raw' and not to 'ACES2065-1' and why these two spaces have different allocation vars.

And in the discussion on the ACES page now there is the uncertainty, if the reference role defines the reference space or some other logic, because there needs to be a logic which space definition will be used when there are more than one that misses all from/to definitions.



Apr 17, 2018, 5:18:37 AM4/17/18
The reference role doesn't appear to be used anywhere inside OCIO itself. The choice of a reference space is just an choice when creating all your transforms. That said, it is a good idea to specify this role for people reading the config, and some applications "could" potentially use it (but setting it to something weird like "utility - raw" would work technically fine, it is only confusing)

The suggestions in that thread of "it's the first colorspace" is probably just because the example SPI config a happen to specify their "lnf" space first. However this is mistaken - there is nothing special about the first defined space.

I would suspect whoever created the ACES config misinterpreted the "reference" role as "what space to use for reference footage"

The meaning of the default roles are defined here:

As you say, the reference role should be set to the main ACES space, as that is what the other spaces are defined relative to

These meanings should be a bit easier to find (e.g in the C++ API docs and Python bindings too) - made ticket for this,
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Haarm-Pieter Duiker

Apr 17, 2018, 10:12:42 AM4/17/18
Thanks for the clarification. I’ll make sure that the team working on the next iteration of the ACES config is aware and addresses this. It’s a one line fix. 

Author of the ACES config
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