8th annual Open Source VFX Beers of a Feather at SIGGRAPH

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Larry Gritz

Jul 16, 2018, 6:22:00 PM7/16/18
to OpenColorIO Developers
8th annual Open Source VFX Beers of a Feather

    Monday, 13 Aug 2018, 6-8pm
    Steamworks Brewpub, 375 Water St, Vancouver, BC  http://steamworks.com/

For those of you attending SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver, we will once again hold an event for developers and users of VFX-specific open source projects.  It's a great chance to meet in person with people you've been working with on the other end of the mail, while enjoying drinks and hors d'oeuvres, courtesy of our generous sponsors:

Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (ACES and OSS)
DigitalFish, Inc.
DreamWorks Animation
Google Cloud
Industrial Light & Magic
Method Studios 
Peregrine Labs
Pixar Animation Studios 
Sony Pictures Imageworks 
Walt Disney Animation Studios 
Weta Digital 

Please direct questions to: lg AT imageworks.com

Please feel free to forward this email to your developers and post on the appropriate mail lists for open source VFX projects you administer or participate in.

Also, if your organization is not one of the sponsors but you'd like to be (no contribution is too small), contact LG and there's certainly time to help charge up a bigger tab, or to make sure we know to check with you for sponsorship next year. 

Larry Gritz

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