New OCIO mail lists | REMINDER

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Michael Dolan

Mar 8, 2019, 1:07:53 PM3/8/19
to OpenColorIO Developers
Hello again OCIO community,

Many of you have already signed up for the new ocio-user and ocio-dev mail lists on their new domain.

There has been some reported trouble with signing up for the new ocio-user list, if you hadn’t already signed up for the new ocio-dev list. The cause of that problem has been resolved, so if you had trouble before, please give it another try.

This is notice that we are planning on closing the ocio-users and ocio-dev Google groups on Monday, March 18 (in a little over a week). Their history will be migrated to the new lists, but their subscribers will not. 

If you haven't done so already, and want to stay connected with OpenColorIO news and discussion, please sign up as soon as possible.

To subscribe to the new ocio-user list, follow this link:

To subscribe to the new ocio-dev list, follow this link:

Thank you for your continued support and interest in OpenColorIO.

Michael Dolan

OpenColorIO TSC Chair

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