Thanks Benjamin,
I see the typical response in that thread: "but you can use this horrible
non-portable workaround in your code because our code is perfect". I
can understand why GCC won't add the Microsoft extension
std::fstream::open( const wchar_t * ), in fact Microsoft suggested this
as an enhancement of the STL but at least two such proposals were
rejected. However, GCC remains broken in MinGW because it cannot
deal with something which everyone needs to do every day, which is to
open the files that users need. I think the better solution is for the
GCC STL to do a UTF8 to UTF16 conversion internally and only use
the UTF16 open() on Microsoft platforms. Microsoft's UTF8 support
is still pretty new and there is a lot of work to do yet. I'd rather the
problem be fixed on GCC's end rather than wait another 5 years or
so until Microsoft change their FileOpenA() to interpret the string
as UTF8.
In the meantime at least we have an ugly hack to apply to OCE to
get the job done, but in reality this problem affects all MinGW
software and is especially troublesome for any software which uses
- Cirilo
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