Schedule and Announcement for Wednesday, November 21 and Thursday, November 22

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Occupy Philly Daily Happenings

Nov 20, 2012, 10:57:05 PM11/20/12

Wednesday, November 21

5:00pm PCAPS Organzing Meeting - Youth United For Change - 1910 N Front St (Berks Stop on the El A Train)

7:00pm Money Out of Politics working group/ Philly Rootstrikers - Friends Center

9:00pm Bank Accountability Call

9:00pm Occupy Homes National Training/Skillshare Weekly Call

Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It's time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.

Occupy activists, UFCW, Jobs with Justice, CLUW, Fight for Philly and other allies will be at the South Philly Walmart - 1675 S Columbus Blvd ( Delaware Ave) from 8-10am on Black Friday to let Walmart workers know we have their back. Come join the Festivities!

If you can't make it to South Philly, please consider joining the protest at either Aramingo Ave: 2200 Wheatsheaf Ln, Philadelphia, PA, or Roosevelt Blvd at Adams Ave: 4600 Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA.

Boycott Walmart on Black Friday:

Join the striking workers in your community:

PFF/Occupy Vacant Lots Potluck & Strategy Sharing, this Sunday, 11/25. Start time at 11:30, but people will be rolling through all afternoon, just as our workparties run, & a point person will be taking notes at all times. We're trying to figure out our flow, since we usually don't have meetings & many of our volunteers don't seem to like rigid start times. *Bring:* warm clothes (the space is unheated), food to share, reusable dishes for yourself to eat with, water, notebook/paper, pen, brain, friends, & smiles.

At our first planning meeting on 11/11, everyone who showed up was able to talk about their plans, hopes, dreams, projects, & ideas for our future & improvements we need to make. We want to start synthesizing these things into tangible tasks ASAP to get a head start on 2013, & we think that coming to consensus on breaking down into smaller groups by overarching tasks (Garden planning, Outreach, Art, Media, Legal, Finance, Construction, Point people, City liaisons, etc. as possible examples) will make things run more smoothly & be less taxing on all of us beautiful volunteers.

This meeting space is large with many places for smaller groups to break-out & discuss/plan awesome things. Please join us any time at or after 11:30am to jump in & give your ideas, or just listen to get involved in the future. Contact for more information.

Philly Food Forests & Occupy Vacant Lots <>

PFF Donation Wishlist <>

The Occupy Sandy NJ effort is gaining lots of momentum on the ground. The OP community is really stepping up. The OSNJ organizing team is growing (please contact to be added to the listserv), supplies and volunteers are getting where they are needed, people are receiving critical help and support in a time of great need. Please visit for more information about this effort.

From Occupy Temple:

Due to recent communications between Students for Justice in Palestine and the student center at Temple University – which governs the use of space by and allocation of resources to registered organizations – the date of the rally at the Bell Tower to stop Israel’s attack on Gaza is being postponed to Wednesday, November 28th at 1:00pm. This postponement was made in consultation between all co-sponsors with the intent of preserving Temple SJP’s long-term ability to continue to carry out work in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

There is a large and well-funded Zionist apparatus with considerable infrastructure and influence present at Temple University. Certain organizations such present themselves as cultural organizations while carrying out blatantly political campaigns to drum up support for the Israeli colonial project. In doing so, they make an absurd and anti-Semitic connection between the Jewish faith and the crimes carried out by the Israeli regime.

At the same time, we recognize that the attitude taken by University administration towards constitutionally protected free speech activities does not change the urgent need to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Gaza. We reiterate that a rally will still take place on Wednesday, November 28th at 1:00pm at the Bell Tower. Depending on the outcome of further communications with the student center, the official participation of Students for Justice in Palestine as an organization is to be determined. However, as individuals outraged at the Israeli massacre being perpetrated against the people of Gaza, we will in no circumstances cede our First Amendment right to speak out against this slaughter.

Events listed here include Occupy Philly related events as well as other social justice events. For more updates be sure to check the Occupy Philadelphia Facebook page at Your support is greatly appreciated!

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