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Important Announcement From OSC

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May 18, 2017, 5:19:11 AM5/18/17
to OSC GMO Googlegroup
In November last year Occupy Sonoma County expanded our GMO campaign to include climate change, climate justice, toxic chemicals, and other Earth-related topics.  We changed the name of the GMO Campaign to Earth Action Campaign.  At that time we started a new listserv for Earth Action and kept this original GMO campaign listserv separate.

Recently we decided to merge this GMO campaign listserv onto the Earth Action listserv and have one listserv for both.

You do not need to do anything if this is okay with you.  Your email address will be manually added to the Earth Action listserv and when that has been completed the GMO listserv will not longer be used.

We also agreed to make this change over the next few months so that it is easier to complete this task due to the size of this listserv.

In the meantime there will be some duplication of GMO news going to both listservs.  When the transition is completed there will be one Earth Action In The News sent out not more than once a week but the length will be longer than it is currently to accommodate all issues.  Our aim is to keep the volume on this listserv low and informative.  If you are on both listservs, while we are changing things over, you might start getting two copies of the GMOs In The News.  Please be patient.  That newsletter is being eliminated eventually.  This announcement is in lieu of the newsletter this week.

If you do not wish to be included in the Earth Action listserv let us know.  However, if you stay on the GMO listserv and don't move to Earth Action you will no longer receive information about GMOs from us after the transition has completed.

If you have a new or updated email address this is a good time to let us know.

Everyone is encouraged to share information and events on the listserv.  We welcome your participation.

OSC has some exciting Earth Actions planned including a networking summit for Sonoma County climate change activists on July 31.  If you are a climate change activist please mark your calendar now and stay tuned for more information.

The Earth Action Campaign meets on the 3rd Monday every month (except for August) from 7-9 PM at the Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa 95401.  We would love for you to join us.  If you prefer to participate from home you can call in to the meetings.  If you have time and energy to contribute outside of meetings we welcome your involvement and we always need volunteers.  Please join us if you can.

Together We Are Stopping GMOs!

(en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.
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