OSC GMO Campaign Meeting changed to Earth Action Campaign - Monday 1/16, 7-9 PM, PJC

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Jan 12, 2017, 6:06:19 AM1/12/17
to OSC GMO Googlegroup

Occupy Sonoma
GMO Campaign Meeting
Changed To Earth Action Campaign
(see notes below)​

​January 16​

(changed from 4th Mondays to 3rd Mondays)

7:00-7:15 pm - gather or phone-in
7:15 pm - meeting start
9:00 pm - meeting end
Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County
467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401  map

Call in number: 641-715-3580, PIN: 933092#
If you can't attend in person you have the option to join by telephone
RSVP by email is best if you plan to call in

​Highlights for this meeting:
• Planning for Climate Change teach-in on March 27
• Decision regarding March Against Monsanto event in May

AGENDA will be posted soon

Partial notes from GMO Campaign meeting ​Nov. 28:

  • Discuss future direction of GMO Campaign meetings with possible expansion of focus and name

Proposal that we open up the focus of this meeting to include GMOs, climate change, Standing Rock, toxic chemicals and other related topics, and to change the name of this meeting to “Earth Action Campaign” – We have reached unanimous consensus.


  • Discussion - 2017 MAM event

    • Should we hold a MAM in 2017?
      ​  MAM date is 5/20/17.

    • ​I​
      • Concert after march (MAM)
      • Concert at another time with climate change and environmental focus (not MAM)​
      • GMO summit to bring together GMO groups and activists to coordinate, strategize, and work together  
      • W​e don’t have enough time to pull a concert together for May
      • Or we can have a different concert in July (focus on GMOs, climate change)
      • We could have a march or arrange buses to SF MAM
      • Or a party here at PJC
      • Idea of a summit of different groups (climate change conference)
      • July event could be a summit
      • Do we want to do a concert in the summer (when it won’t rain)?
      • Local bands
      • We can do more with more money
      • H​ow realistic is it to put on a community concert. She put on a concert previously.  Test the water with someone from a well-known band and other people
        ​, ​s
        uggested we contact WACCO
      • Prevailing thinking of the group is to have a
        ​MAM ​
        march that ends at a party at the PJC
      • Possibly have a concert in the summer or a climate change summit with all the local groups focused on that topic

        No Decision was made

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.

Veronica "Roni" Jacobi

Jan 16, 2017, 9:36:07 PM1/16/17
to occupy-sonoma-co...@googlegroups.com

I plan to call in.  Is it best to RSVP to list or Emerald or ?? Thanks!

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Dear Wonderful People - I will be running for some office in 2018 unless I discover a better way to make a difference. I will be considering running for District 10 Assembly again, but starting much earlier... My decision process will involve all those who helped in 2016 who want to be involved, plus any folks who want to help in 2018. I do have a life, a very wonderful and full life overall, so I have a lot of things to catch up on, but I certainly have time and effort I am willing to put into the political process. Please use your sadness and your anger in positive ways. I have infinite hugs for all of you AND I totally welcome your grief.
Deep love and gratitude to each of you!

Former Candidate for State Assembly District 10 Nov. 2016

"Yes We Can, Yes We Better, Never Give Up, Do It Now!" - Veronica "Roni" Jacobi

www.RoniJacobi.com and www.OurGreenChallenge.org 

“Climate Change is not just another issue in this complicated world of proliferating issues. 
It is the issue that, unchecked, will swamp all other issues.” - Ross Gelbspan in The Heat Is On
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