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GMOs IN THE NEWS (Last Issue)

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Jun 5, 2017, 4:15:04 AM6/5/17
to OSC GMO Googlegroup
Occupy Sonoma County 

This is the last issue of GMOs In The News.  This newsletter will be replaced by an expanded Earth Action In The News.
From now on all GMO information will be shared on the Earth Action listserv.  OSC will not be using this GMO listserv after today.  You have been added to the Earth Action listserv.

If you are not comfortable clicking on a link in an email you can cut and paste the link into your
​ ​

We know we are winning when megalithic Cargill contacts the Non-GMO Project to initiate ​verification and took buckets of flack from Monsanto and others in the biotech industry!  Cargill... Non-GMO Project verified... things are definitely shifting:
1) GMO Supporters Have a Fit as Cargill Offers Non-GMO Products

2) Judge: EPA's Approval of Bee-Killing Pesticides Violated Federal Law

​3) Monsanto Hires Internet Trolls to Cover Up Roundup’s Cancer Risk

4) FDA Refuses to Ban Toxic Chemical Used in Baby Food Packaging

5) Maine Bill Would Outlaw Local Pesticide Laws

Get involved and join us at our next Earth Action Campaign meeting on Monday, June 19​, 7-9 PM, Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401.

Together We Are Stopping GMOs!

(en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.
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