Vermont Yankee, Sunday 12:30

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Brett Williams

Jan 22, 2012, 11:54:13 PM1/22/12
I guess the time the Environmental WG has settled on for a rally
speak-out event thing about the VT Yankee decision is next Sunday at
12:30. I'll probably be there, how about you?

More importantly, we have a week to think of some good chants! I
think we should start by thinking about how we go about thinking of
chants. We shouldn't just try to be clever and bang some words
together; that'll make people who hear the chants feel "they just
tried to be clever and bang some words together" (at least if they're
smart). Well, there's a way to think about it, what should that
person feel who hears us chant? I hope they'd feel: "Wow, that chant
is intense, I wasn't expecting to be moved by some random protest I
happened by, but now I'm going to reconsider how important this issue
is to me." That's a tall order I guess.

We can't find a chant that moves someone unless first we're moved
ourselves, can we? We need language that reflects our own deep
feelings. I guess the way I feel about this ruling is surprised. No,
that's not it at all. That's very superficial. I feel surprised and
angry but also more than that I feel really sick and tired of feeling
surprised and angry and being betrayed over & over. It feels

I guess it's more than channeling or expressing feelings. Our
responsibility is very heavy, Occupy Our Voices. Our chants can
create new feelings in that crowd. We could write chants that make
them feel that there is a break emerging in this cycle, that they
themselves are breaking it with their voices and finding a way to say
no more.

I guess that's the first chant I'll propose for that rally: "NO MORE!"


Katie Soule

Jan 23, 2012, 11:36:05 AM1/23/12
I really like what you've said here. I'll put on my thinking/feeling cap.

Brett Williams

Jan 23, 2012, 11:49:46 AM1/23/12
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Brett Williams <> wrote:
> I guess that's the first chant I'll propose for that rally: "NO MORE!"

We need to coordinate with our speechwriting team (which doesn't
exist)! I feel like the proper place for that chant is at the end of
a paragraph, it should go, blah blah blah reason why this situation is
ridiculous blah blah, but the people say: No more! (NO MORE! NO MORE!
NO MORE!) And then after the first few paragraphs of repeating that
pattern you'd probably just have to say "but the people say..."


Puja Gupta

Jan 23, 2012, 12:11:10 PM1/23/12

i will try to work on this tomorrow night.

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