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Boulder DSA talk on 2012 elections and the American left (Wed. Aug 22 at 7 p.m. at George Reynolds BPL)

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Dave Anderson

Aug 8, 2012, 1:28:53 AM8/8/12
The Boulder chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) presents
a talk by noted political scientist Joe Schwartz:

"The 2012 Elections and the American Left: How to Move Beyond
Lesser-Evilism While Defeating the Right"

on Wednesday August 22 at 7 p.m. at the George Reynolds branch of the
Boulder Public Library, 3595 Table Mesa Drive

Joe Schwartz is Professor of Political Science at Temple University
where he teaches political theory and American politics. He is the
winner of several university teaching awards. Schwartz's most recent
book, "The Future of Democratic Equality: Reconstructing Social
Solidarity in a Fragmented United States." argues that rampant
inequality can only be overcome if diverse, but disempowered social
groups build a sense of solidarity founded upon their common humanity.
The book won the 2011 American Political Science Association's David
Easton Book Prize for the best book published in the last five years
"that broadens the horizons of contemporary political science by
engaging issues of philosophical significance in political life
through any of a variety of approaches in the social sciences and

Schwartz serves as a Vice Chair of Democratic Socialists of America
and is a member of DSA's National Political Committee. (DSA, founded
by the late social critic Michael Harrington, is the largest socialist
organization in the United States. Cornel West and Barbara Ehrenreich
are among its Honorary Chairs).

Here is a radio interview with Joe Schwartz:
and a perceptive review of his book by Chris Maisano:
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