We hear about "greed" and "corruption" and conspiracies by a small
bunch of bad guys... What if the ultimate problem is an economic
system called capitalism?
How do you feel about this statement?
"Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society
should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits
for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our
government and economy must be radically transformed through greater
economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can
participate in the many decisions that affect our lives."
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is marching in the Labor Day
parade in Louisville, Colorado. Join us!!
DSA is the nation's largest socialist organization and a direct
descendant of the Socialist Party of Eugene Debs, Norman Thomas and
Michael Harrington. We are not a political party.We work in immediate
struggles for justice-- as we build a movement for long-term social
change. We bring to our work a strategy for building alliances among
social movements and a vision of a more just and equitable society....
In electoral politics, most of us work within the Democratic Party
(with some exceptions) because of the nature of the U.S. electoral
Join us!!! Contact me at
Dave Anderson
More details from DSA member Barbara Molfese (who arranged
As last year, we'll try to find out our number in the marching order
ahead of time but not available yet.
Meet: Monday, September 3, 9:00am - 10:00. Look for DSA banner.
Registration table is at corner of Main and Lafayette, across the
street from Louisville Middle School, near the traffic light at
intersection of South Boulder Road and Main Street. Park on side
Groups form around the perimeter of the school grounds and athletic
Parade starts at 10:00am
Be sure to bring a hat and (reuseable) bottled water.
It was fun last year! We were near the end of the parade, and the
Teamsters drove a big semi right behind us. There were certainly some
spectators who looked surprised/shocked to see socialists marching in
their Labor Day Parade so it's a good consciousness-raising
If you want a DSA T-shirt or button, see
www.dsausa.org to order.
Maria says they have them in stock.
See you there!