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June 23 Boulder workshop: "U.S. Capitalism in Crisis and Social Market Alternatives' with Bill Barclay

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Dave Anderson

Jun 10, 2012, 6:27:02 PM6/10/12
(please forward, publicize and print out the flyer. this is a unique event)

The Boulder chapter of Democratic Socialists of America


A Workshop with Bill Barclay:

"U.S. Capitalism in Crisis and Social Market Alternatives"

Saturday, June 23, 10:30 am- 1 pm at George Reynolds branch,
Boulder Public Library on Table Mesa Drive

This interactive workshop examines the explosive growth of inequality
in the U.S., and what can and must be done to create a more equal
and just society. Learn about the socialist perspective on this
critically important economic topic. Bill Barclay is a member of
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, holds a Ph.D. in
political economy, and worked for 22 years in financial services.
For more information, call 303 449-0868.
Colorado Bill workshop flyer.pdf
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