Movie Night at Left Hand Books in Boulder, 1200 Pearl (downtown mall
in the basement). Free and open to everybody...
On Sunday night May 20 at 7 p.m., we are having an unusual Left Hand
Movie Night. We are showing a DVD of a spell-binding speech recently
at the Boulder Unitarian Universalist Church by John Nichols, National
Political Correspondent for The Nation on U.S. populist uprisings from
Wisconsin to Wall Street and beyond, as well as on the socialist
origins of the Republican party (no kidding).
When Wisconsin governor Scott Walker attacked public workers and the
social safety net at the beginning of the year, he provoked a
rebellion which resembled a general strike throughout the state.
Nichols is a native of Wisconsin and covered it. The Occupy Wall
Street movement would soon follow...
Nichols is the author of "Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics
of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street" and "The 'S' Word: A Short
History of an American Tradition: Socialism."
VIDEO: John Nichols Explains the Value of General Strikes
The Nation's John Nichols got his start as a labor reporter, and his
home state of Wisconsin became ground zero last year for labor
protests in the U.S. Nichols told AlterNet earlier this year that he
believes what happened in Madison was a general strike, or if it
wasn't, it could have been:
What I argue is that there were key points, when to my view, the call
should have been made. First off, to declare it a general strike, and
to say we are either there or on the verge of it; and then secondly to
say join us, let’s do it, let’s take this thing statewide, let’s see
what we can do. I’ve sat with friends who are labor leaders, who said
it wouldn’t have, we couldn’t have done it. I’ve sat with other people
who say we absolutely could have. But I do believe that there was a
point there, especially when you had 180,000 people at the capitol on
March 12, I believe if the message had been, let’s not go to work on
Monday, let’s not go to school, let’s not open our businesses, let’s
show Governor Walker just how much we disapprove of what he’s done, I
have a sense it might have worked.
As we approach May Day and discuss once again the idea of a general
strike, who better than Nichols to explain? In this clip from
VideoNation, he talks about the power of the strike, how it led to
increased unionization, and why it matters to talk about general
strikes today.
By Sarah Jaffe | Sourced from AlterNet
Posted at April 23, 2012, 1:30 pm