Hi Dave,
Wow! Those things are problematic! However, I think we get the general idea of what is intended. Maybe the Occupy Movement could do a better job with its own proposal along these lines. The guy that proposed it should be encouraged to participate in such a discussion.
There was another guy at the 2nd GA who wanted us to support Direct Democracy. I wish that guy was still involved. These people only give us one chance and then they are gone. I hope these people will become more willing to join our google groups.
1. It seems to rely on an "extra-constitutional" process to bootstrap itself into the constitution, bypassing the existing amendment process. While that actually sort of makes sense, it is also problematic. The 50% vote requirement also seem to be too small for a constitutional amendment.
2. What is this about requiring two elections with 50% margins a year apart? Say what?
A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision-making criteria.
A Mission Statement defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, succinctly describing why it exists and what it does to achieve its Vision.
Goals are steps we take to achieve the mission. Goals are clearly stated and contain specific objectives
"We occupy Boulder in protest of corruption and the co-opting of our political power by the wealthy and corporations that use it to abuse us and to increase their wealth and power.
We strive to awaken and inspire all people to reclaim their political power and to work to restore a more representative form of government.
To this end we align ourselves with and take actions to achieve goals that the greatest majority of people can support."
I am certain that this is not idea wording but you get the point.
-To pass an amendment to the constitution to get money out of politics.
-To pass an amendment to the constitution that resolves that corporations are NOT people and money is NOT free speech.
-To create a true and verifiable election process that allows for all eligible citizens to vote