Boulder County Democrtic Party: Action Alert
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Rally to Keep WALMART Out of Boulder!
Walmart may be using deceptive practices to build a store in Boulder (Daily Camera article here). Boulder's Mayor and City Council claim not to know what's happening. Demand that City Council hold a public hearing to get to the bottom of this. Please join a rally to protect Boulder's workers, jobs and local businesses from Walmart.
Date: Tuesday, Sept 18
5:15pm Rally with Pizza
6:00pm Proceed to City Council meeting for Open Comment Period
7:15pm Watch the movie: High Cost of Low Wages (Boulder Library)
Location: Outside City Council Chambers (W. side of Municipal Bldg, 1777 Broadway, SW corner of Broadway and Canyon.
Here are other things you can do:
1.) sign the online petition: here
2.) call your City Council Members: 303-441-3002
3.) email your City Council members: here
Dan Gould, Chair
Boulder County Democratic Party
Copyright © 2011 Boulder County Democratic Party
Postal Mail: Boulder County Democratic Party,
P.O. Box 18793, Boulder, CO 80308-1793
Physical Headquarters: 1725B Walnut Street, Boulder [MAP]
Phone: 303-442-3423
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