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Meeting of Occupy Boulder Goals and Strategies Working Group Wednesday

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carolyn Bninski

May 16, 2012, 1:13:14 AM5/16/12
to occupy-boulder-goals-and-strategies@googlegroups. com
This is a reminder the Occupy Boulder Goals and Strategies Working
Group meets this Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Peace Center. Last week
the group decided to work on two statewide ballot initiatives. The
first would require that the banks and other lenders prove they own .a
property before they foreclose (not currently required in Colorado
believe it or not). The other ballot initiative would make it easier
for undocumented people to get driver's licenses. We need as many
people as possible to collect signatures for either or both of these
initiatives. Come to this meeting and help us to organize these
campaigns in Boulder.

Directions to Center: From Broadway and Quince, go east and take the
second right into the shopping center. You'll see the Center in front
of you.

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