important proposal...i think....
Dave Anderson
From: Chris Goodwin <>
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at 10:49 AM
Subject: [OB Outreach] Grassroots Outreach Plan
Hi OCCUPY Boulder Folks,
At the GA last Sat 4/28, we approved a grassroots outreach plan (see
attachment) that involves regular leafletting of Boulder neighborhoods
on various issues that OCCUPY is concerned about and wants to be
active on. Although specific issues haven' t been decided yet (these
will be a major, continuing topic of discussion), we need to move
forward on the logistics of making this project happen.
Here's how you can help!!
1) Mapping the location of apartment complexes and mobile home parks.
I will begin this on Wednesday (5/2) and start in the area around NE
Boulder, south of Iris, just east of 30th St and west to Folsom, north
of Valmont. I don't think this will be a huge task and plan to branch
out from there, probably going down 30th St south to Baseline. If you
can map out any apartments in other parts of the city, let me know
asap so I can skip that area. Otherwise I'll just keep moving across
the city. I will keep people updated on the progress of this so you
all know what's been done and not done. We need the following
information: 1) name of the apt complex if it has one. 2) exact as
possible street address (if its a large complex with different street
addresses for different buildings note them). 3) your best estimate of
the number of units in the building(s). This part is important for
knowing how many leaflets we will need.
2) Make A Committment NOW To Leaflet Once A Month
The number of people who commit to this will determine it's sucess or
failure! This would be a committment of only about 2 hours, one
Saturday a month, not a monumental task.
If you can help out with this please sign up as soon as possible so we
will know how big of an area we can cover and how many leaflets we
will need.
The goal is to leaflet for the first time on Sat May 26th.
3) Help Circulate This Plan To A Wider Audience
I not sure how many people will see this on the OCCUPY Boulder
Outreach google group so please forward this on to other people you
know through e-mail, Face Book, etc.
This could be a good way to bring some people who may have drifted
away, back to OCCUPY and get some new people involved in a specific
4) Begin Discussing Issues For Leaflets
The banking/financial system? Health Care? The price of gas? Campaign
finance? War With Iran? Fracking? GMOs? Renters Rights? Taxes?
Post your ideas to this list.
Looking forward to everyones contributions and comments.
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