Dave Anderson
unread,May 16, 2012, 1:08:27 PM5/16/12Sign in to reply to author
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The monthly meeting of the local Democratic Socialists of America
(DSA) is on Wednesday June 30 at 7 p.m. in Left Hand Books, 1200 Pearl
Street in downtown Boulder. We are planning a very important event:
Bill Barclay is coming from Chicago to lead a workshop called "What Is
To Be Done: U.S. Capitalism In Crisis and the Social Market
Alternatives." A long time DSA and (before that) NAM member, he spent
22 years in financial services and has a Ph.D in political economy. He
is also a member of the Chicago Political Economy Group.
Here are the details of the workshop: "Know thy enemy, know thyself. A
hundred battles, a hundred victories." So wrote Sun Tzu in the 'Art of
War.' A political economy in crisis is both a challenge and an
opportunity. As socialists we need to understand both the causes of
the 2008 financial collapse and subsequent 'Great Recession' and be
able to articulate alternatives to the 'solutions' that continue the
same policies and institutional practices that generated the economic
crisis. This session explains the explosive growth of inequality in
the U.S. and the mechanism by which the financial sector translated
inequality into a debt driven housing bubble and collapse. We then ask
what we need to do to restructure our political economy in a manner
that creates a more equal and just society. Time: 2-2.5 hrs; PPT
slides and skits.
We are holding this workshop at the George Reynolds branch of the
Boulder Public Library on Table Mesa Drive on Saturday morning June
23. I participated in a workshop by Bill at the national DSA
convention and it was great!
Please come to the May 30 DSA meeting at Left Hand to help plan the
event. We are also discussing a possible fund raiser for Congressman
John Conyers and an event around the 50th anniversary of the
publication of 'The Other America' by Michael Harrington (a DSA
founder). That book helped inspire the War on Poverty in the 1960s.
Which was successful as far as it went... Harrington criticized the
War on Poverty for inadequate funding and vision. Then the Vietnam war
ate up the money for a lot of social programs.
Join us.
In solidarity,
Dave Anderson