King Street Sidewalk Extension | Resident Idea Proposal

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Carson Gunn

Jun 19, 2024, 2:32:35 PM (10 days ago) Jun 19
Orange County Commissioners,

I am writing to propose an extension of the sidewalk along West King Street, from its current endpoint at Hillsborough Avenue to the intersection with West Hill Avenue. Please see a photo below of current infrastructure (0.5mi) and a suggested extended route (green, additional 0.5mi). 

This initiative is crucial for several compelling reasons that I believe will greatly benefit our community:

  • Safety: The current lack of a sidewalk beyond the edge of town poses significant safety concerns for pedestrians, especially during nighttime or high-traffic periods. Extending the sidewalk would provide a safe route for residents and visitors alike, encouraging more walking and reducing potential accidents.

  • Economic: A pedestrian-friendly walkway would undoubtedly boost local commerce by making it easier and safer for people to access businesses along the route. This increased foot traffic would support our local economy and enhance the vitality of our main street businesses.

  • Environmental: Encouraging more people to walk or bike rather than drive not only reduces traffic congestion but also contributes positively to our environmental goals by decreasing carbon emissions and promoting a healthier, more sustainable mode of transportation.

  • Community: A sidewalk extension would foster greater community cohesion by connecting middle-class neighborhoods along West Hill Avenue with the downtown area. It would also link the vibrant Nash Street corridor, the beloved Village Diner, and many side streets to the main business district downtown. Such connectivity is essential for fostering a sense of community and inclusivity among our residents.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider the extension of the sidewalk along West King Street as a priority project for our town. An extension promises to enhance safety, stimulate economic growth, promote environmental sustainability, and strengthen community ties. I look forward to hearing back from you on this, and thank you for your attention to this idea.


Carson Gunn (she/her)


Jamezetta Bedford

Jun 20, 2024, 9:10:10 PM (9 days ago) Jun 20
to Carson Gunn, ALL_BOCC_MANAGER_CLERK, Mark Bell
Hi Carson,

This area is in the Town of Hillsborough so I am copying Mayor Mark Bell for their consideration. 


Jamezetta Bedford, Chair BOCC

From: Carson Gunn <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 2:32 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] King Street Sidewalk Extension | Resident Idea Proposal
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