White Cross dump site

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Oct 1, 2023, 9:36:12 AM10/1/23
to ocb...@orangecountync.gov
Dear Commissioners,
Please add my name to the list of very concerned citizens as well as a resident of White Cross… over the proposed dump site. we seem to be last on the list for things like snow removal and forgotten recycling… Spectrum understands we’re at the “ end of the line” with service outages and Duke Power has made it abundantly clear that we are not a high priority with the last outage lasting 25 hours… So our own leaders choosing to make us a high priority, yet again, for a dump site speaks volumes.
Please find another site… our lives depend on it.
Dianne Woodward
9900 Oak Hollow Road
Chapel Hill NC. 27516

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….In a world where you can be anything…..be kind…
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