I support saving more of the Greene Tract Forest

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Carl Seashore

Nov 10, 2021, 4:40:10 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
To the mayor and town council members,

I, like many, am a transplant to Chapel Hill who came here for the small town character of the town, the university, and the abundance of green space in and around town. In the 14 years I’ve lived here my wife and I have raised our kids enjoying these green spaces as they’ve grown.

Please consider the will of the people from the Mapping our future Rogers Rd Community assessment when looking at planning. There must be conservation of green space such as the Greene tract to remain healthy. Storm water mitigation strategies pale in comparison to saving green space. Let’s get the in process projects completed before deciding to deforest one of the few large green spaces left in town.

Thank you,

Carl Seashore
Chapel Hill

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Josh Stewart

Nov 10, 2021, 5:03:37 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

Please don’t hastily destroy more of our local green space. Chapel Hill and Orange County are gems of North Carolina. It’s our lack of development that is special, yet in the last 3 years developers have radically shifted our community’s landscape. Our family thrives in the trails around Chapel Hill, and green space is one of our most treassured community assets. We hope that you consider the legacy plans of the Green Tract Forest and do not sell our community away to developers who’ve no lasting interest in our community. Please focus on the soul and community members that make this place so special.


Josh and Valerie Stewart
107 Garden Gate Dr
Chapel Hill, 27516

michael owen

Nov 10, 2021, 5:13:27 PM11/10/21
to +cou...@townofcarrboro.org, +oc...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org, mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov
Please do not vote on the Greene Tract Forest plan on November 16 and November 17. There are considerable problems with this plan and a high degree of public dissatisfaction with the concept and the process. Sacrificing our last substantial green space in the interest of residential development is a mistake that cannot be reversed. Please delay this decision and reconsider an earlier version of the concept that saves 80% of our property for green space. Future generations will appreciate your wisdom in making this difficult decision.
Michael Owen

Brandt Solovij

Nov 10, 2021, 5:48:09 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Please do not vote to sell our public lands to private interests!!!! Chapel Hill has the lowest park rating in the triangle! Do not let this mistake become your legacy! DO support the 2016 plan for 20% of the forest being developed for affordable housing with 80% preservation LIKE THE 2016 PLAN THAT WAS ACCEPTED outlines!

Consider the future of Chapel Hill - this project could create the greatest park for our children and grandchildren OR it could doom Chapel Hill to becoming another featureless blight on the map

Pick the right side of history!

-Brandt Solovij, homeowner and voter


Nov 10, 2021, 6:40:51 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Dear Mayor & Town Council members,

I am writing to express my support of the 2016 community driven plan to build a great affordable development on 20% of the Forest while preserving 80% for future generations.

We see, everyday, the growing need for green space in our community.

Thank you.

Chuck Millsaps
Great Outdoor Provision Co.
1800 East Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC
919.834.2916 x201

Geoff Hird

Nov 10, 2021, 6:56:56 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
To whom it may concern:

Please do not vote on Nov 16th/17th on the Greene Tract! I am concerned that people were just voted in and this vote is being taken in a rush without hearing the voices of the newly elected officials.

We need our forests! I would like to see the Greene tract turned into a park for the community. With all the building going on in Chapel Hill, we need to pause on any other building initiatives to assess the impact of the current developments on the need for housing. I would like the town to collect data to make this decision - what is the most recent data set we have?

In addition, we should assess other ways to provide affordable housing such as renovating or rebuilding at existing housing sites which are closer to downtown.

Once we cut down the forest, we can never go back. There is already a low amount of park land in the town as it is. Please take this opportunity to reassess and come up with creative ways to address the housing issues while also maintaining the park land which makes Chapel Hill a great place to live.


Geoff Hird
105 Silver Cedar Lane
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

regina burns

Nov 10, 2021, 7:17:00 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Have you walked the Greene Tract? If you have not, then before you vote on anything you need to go into these woods. I support the 2016 community driven plan to build affordable housing on 20% of this land while preserving the rest.

We just cannot keep going with the explosive growth. Why must another huge development be produced?

Please do NOT support the over development of the Greene Tract.

Gina Burns MS BSN RN

Chapel Hill, NC

jennifer McCauley

Nov 10, 2021, 7:24:02 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Good evening,
Please, please consider adopting the 2016 plan where 80% of the Greene Tract remains preserved. Now is not the time to destroy beautiful forests. This is not how we want Chapel Hill to move forward.

Yes to affordable housing for sure but no to further destruction of the Greene Tract.

Chapel Hill will never get this beautiful forest back!

Thank you,
Jenn McCauley

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Marc D

Nov 10, 2021, 8:00:24 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
The Greene Tract is a big part of my daily life and has given me a small piece of sanity in these difficult times with everyone at home and the pressures of this pandemic.  I urge you NOT TO VOTE on the current plan on Nov 16 / 17th

we need greenspaces, we need to stay in touch with nature, we need to preserve what little undeveloped forest remains.  We can still achieve our goals of affordable housing while maintaining and preserving the Greene Tract.  Please support the 2016 community drive plan

Marc Desormeau
8400 Sterling Bridge Road Chapel Hill


Tamim Kasrawi

Nov 10, 2021, 8:15:07 PM11/10/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Please reserve the Green Track and keep it for all of us who hike there

Tamim Kasrawi
201 Greenway LNDG
Chapel Hill

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stephen cole

Nov 11, 2021, 6:57:04 AM11/11/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
We need to think 50 years in the future. New York City has Central Park because it was preserved a long long time ago. If we don't preserve what forests we have, we won't have anything in the future. Growth will continue and density will increase. It's the job of the towns and county to think into the future and prepare us.
I think it would be completely shameful if our elected officials sold off one of the last remaining forests to a developer to build market rate housing with a little low income housing thrown in to make it look good. Go back to the 2016 plan that was community developed that calls for preservation of most of the forest and a small low income neighborhood.
This isn't that complicated. There's no pressing need to sell all the land to a developer. Preserving land to make a park and retain some forest inside Chapel Hill is positive in so many ways. Building more houses, even low income housing, on the one remaining site that could be preserved seems short-sighted. There are many other low income developments and many other opportunities for low income developments. This location isn't even that good for a low income neighborhood given the lack of amenities within walking distance.
Please reconsider. Think about the legacy you want to leave as elected officials. Did you preserve a wonderful natural area that can be used by everyone for many years into the future? Or did you allow the bulldozing of one of the few remaining forests in Chapel Hill?
Stephen Cole
Chapel Hill resident since 2011
UNC Graduate 1996

Laurie weatherly

Nov 11, 2021, 9:38:40 AM11/11/21
to cou...@townofcarrboro.org, mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov
We need to save our trees considering the climate crisis we are already experiencing. More public parks are needed for  people to enjoy and get exercise. Chapel hill has enough homes, offices, and apartments already. Please leave this tract of land alone.

Lisa Morton

Nov 11, 2021, 9:41:46 AM11/11/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

As a very concerned citizen of Orange County, I am writing to let you know that I fully support the 2016 community-driven plan to build a great affordable development of 20% of the Forest while preserving 80% for future generations. 

I am extremely worried that Chapel Hill and Carrboro will need more green space as our community shifts to higher-density apartment living with no back yards for people to enjoy the outdoors.  If we have learned anything from the pandemic, is that we must diligently protect and enhance our community's outdoor areas as places for exercise as well as locations for gatherings.  

Weaver Grove is a successful development.  Another endeavor modeled after that would allow us to add a great development as well as allow us to create an exemplar park that can be enjoyed by everyone - children, grandchildren, and adults alike.  

I question the need to build yet another development that is almost twice as large as Eubanks Road's Carraway Village instead of focusing on building the affordable house that our community needs so much.

I join the voices of countless others who encourage you to consider a more balanced approach.  The recommendations in the 2016 "Rogers Road:  Mapping Our Community's Future" is a compromise that would benefit both the Rogers Road community, the rest of the town and, yes - the rest of the planet.  

Let's please be good stewards of the land and keep in mind how development plans can serve more than one purpose.  We will stay vocal until you put into action what is best for the community at large.  Once land is developed, it cannot be reclaimed.  I am appalled that you are unable to articulate you are not following the 2016 community-driven plan to split development between 20% of the Forest acres while creating Chapel Hill's greatest Forest Park out of the other 80% of the property.  Acting in any other way makes no sense and summarily throws away a universal beneficial opportunity.  

Lisa Morton
Tax Payer, Resident of Orange County for 40+ years

Kellie Kimbrough

Nov 11, 2021, 10:27:00 AM11/11/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.or, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

I support the 2016 community-driven plan to build a great affordable development on 20% of the forest and preserving 80% for future generations.


I’m worried about the constant influx of new residents in Chapel Hill/Carrboro --- there won’t be any green space for kids to play in.


Why aren’t you focused on building affordable housing instead of a new development on PUBLIC land.


We need a more balance approach to growth.  We aren’t going to be here forever, but hopefully the planet will.  Move accordingly.


Thank you,

Kellie Kimbrough


Kellie Kimbrough |  Executive Assistant

Triangle Insights Group, LLC



Email:     KKimb...@TriangleInsights.com

Office:    (919) 813-6100

Mobile(919) 951-5800




Tom Farkas

Nov 11, 2021, 11:10:14 AM11/11/21
to ocb...@orangecountync.gov
Please take a balanced approach to the Greene Tract Forest and walk the talk on affordable housing. The recommendations in the 2016 report "Rogers Road: Mapping our Community's Future" represent a compromise that would benefit both the Rogers Road community and the rest of the town, as well as the planet.
Thank you.
Tom Farkas
217 Collinson Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Matthew Roe

Nov 11, 2021, 1:20:37 PM11/11/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org, rho...@triangleland.org, Matthew Roe, Laura Roe, abelha...@gmail.com, lhamme...@triangleland.org, green...@gmail.com
Dear Elected Leaders of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County;

Given the developments over the past few weeks and the substantial and impressive community support for preserving the majority of the space in the Green Tract Forest, I’m writing to express my strong concerns regarding the rapid escalation of the timelines for voting upon a decision about the future of the Green Tract Forest. There is no logical explanation for rushing towards a vote, before the newly elected Chapel Hill Town Council members are seated, especially in light of the overwhelming community expression of support for preserving green space and not developing the Green Tract Forest in the way that it appears is being driven to conclusion in the current time.

Furthermore, reflecting upon the demonstrative and sustained viewpoints for preserving the majority of the space in the Green Tract Forest expressed by a large number of voting citizens from Chapel Hall, Carrboro, and Orange County, I would like to ask about which voting constituency from the 3 jurisdictions is in favor of abandoning the 2016 community-driven plan to construct affordable development on 20% of the Green Tract Forest while preserving the remaining 80% as green space. The citizens of our 3 communities have expressed their strong viewpoints over and over again in support of the 2016 plan so it is imperative that all work to develop creative solutions to stop the rush to a vote on November 16-17. In this context, there is a strong desire to continue the constructive dialogue towards forming a compromise that can enable you, as elected leaders, to act in the best and stated interest of the citizens who voted you into office.

I’ve copied leaders from Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) so that they can join the discussion, in case that hasn’t happened already. Outside of Chapel Hill boundaries, there are 2 nearby nature preserves managed by TLC, Brumley Forest and Johnson’s Mill Nature Preserve, that are widely used and enjoyed by hundreds of people every day. Perhaps considering an option to sell the Green Tract Forest property to TLC for permanent protection and management may be a compromise that could work for all stakeholders.

For years, I have been proud to live in Chapel Hill and to embrace the ideals, the tolerance, and the natural beauty of our enlightened community. I do hope that your actions over the next few weeks and months will reinforce these concepts.

I hope that you find these comments and suggestions to be heartfelt, constructive, and candid.

With Warm Regards;

Matthew Roe
Stoneridge-Sedgefield Neighborhood, Chapel Hill, NC

Rhonda Parker

Nov 12, 2021, 10:17:35 AM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

Elected officials,


I am writing in strong opposition to any resolution on a conceptual plan incorporating the newest proposal for the Greene Tract. I support the 2016 community-driven plan to build a great affordable development on 20% of the Forest while preserving 80% for future generations.


As an avid user of these trails and a supporter of healthy green spaces for the well-being of people and the environment, I cannot fathom why Chapel Hill/Orange County would consider any action that would not preserve this tract as public forest and park. The land (and our community) would be best served by placing a conservation easement on the Greene Tract.


I urge you to vote in support of the 2016 Rogers Road: Mapping our Community’s Future which is more balanced and is already a compromise that benefits the community, the town, and our shared planet.



Rhonda Parker

Orange County Resident and Voter


Don Rose

Nov 12, 2021, 10:34:35 AM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

As the head coach of the East Chapel Hill mountain bike team, I’ve seen first-hand the value of getting kids outdoors. With Greene Tract as one of the only large public open-spaces for our children, I support the saving as much of the space for walking, hiking, and biking trails.


As I think 100 years from now, I wonder if our children’s children will see the wisdom of saving this land as our “Central Park”.








Claudia Sheppard

Nov 12, 2021, 11:27:59 AM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Dear elected officials,

We need more green space for our mental health. I LOVE the Greene Tract and go there every day.



Claudia Sheppard
Chapel Hill


Nov 12, 2021, 6:28:36 PM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org

Dear Council Members and County Commissioners:

Slow down.  

Remnants are all we’ve got now of our CH and Carrboro forests.  Don’t send the bulldozers in on the Greene Tract. Honor the community agreement forged in 2016 that preserves 80% of the tract and builds affordable housing on 20% of it.  

Time after time your bodies have approved projects that lack an appropriate amount of affordable housing.  Now you would sacrifice the majority of the Greene Tract for affordable housing AND market rate housing plus a school? How can this be??

I hear that generous donors may be at hand to purchase a conservation easement on 80% of the tract.  If this is true, for everyone’s sake please, please don’t turn them away.

Thank you.
Margaret P. Heath
Chapel Hill NC 27516


Nov 12, 2021, 6:31:20 PM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Preserving green space grows more important as time goes by.
Growing population with fewer green space will diminish the quality of life that makes our town one of the best-bar none. In future with construction bringing more children, green spaces need to be retained, not given over to development. We already fall behind Durham and Raleigh in maintaining green areas. Once these spaces are gone they cannot, of course, be regained.
Please consider the value of our forest area as public land rather than as an opportunity to welcome developers whose objectives are not in line with citizens who value our town.

Sent from my iPhone


Nov 12, 2021, 8:36:30 PM11/12/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Dear Mayor Hemminger and Town Council Members,

Before voting on the Greene Tract development, we urge you to consider carefully recommendations in the 2016 report: Rogers Road: Mapping our Community’s Future as a more balanced approach to this issue.

Thank you,
Stephen and Jennifer Wilhoit
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Nov 14, 2021, 12:17:25 AM11/14/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
I am worried about flooding, erosion, increase in heat index and poor air quality; please conserve 80% of the green tract!

Sent from my iPad

igor shats

Nov 14, 2021, 10:24:58 PM11/14/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
More  creative solutions should be considered  before cutting down a mature forest!

Dr. Igor Shats 
Parkside resident

Emily P

Nov 15, 2021, 8:22:39 AM11/15/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
Dear Council Members,

Please do not vote to approve the current Greene Tract development plan this week.

As you have discovered in the Booker Creek Stormwater conversations, your community values green space AND has clearly seen the negative flooding impacts of cutting down large areas of forest.  Why would you commit to creating more of this type of issue?

I support a more focused approach that includes ONLY affordable (lower income) housing, a possible school, and preservation land, and NOT mixed use.

The "mixed use" development seems to have been tagged onto the existing plan without a clear explanation and without support from the community, as this was not part of the 2016 input session and not something that has been of interest to community members in recent conversations.

Please consider that Chapel Hill already has some underutilized developed areas (almost half of Timberlyne plaza is currently unused, and the Caraway and Harris Teeter plazas are virtually inaccessible to walkers and bikers who live nearby).

Instead of developing more, why not focus on better bike/walk infrastructure and public transit to provide access to existing developed commercial areas? Or maybe pressure UNC to actually uphold it's commitment to phase out the coal train and use that train track for bike walk access all the way to downtown! These are just a few of many options for holistically meeting the needs of our community, rather than just assuming we need further construction and development.

In conclusion,
I am asking you to vote NO on the current Greene Tract resolution this week, in favor of a more holistic approach to the needs of Chapel Hill.

Thank you,
Emily Porter
Timberlyne Neighborhood

Emily Porter (she/her/hers)


Nov 15, 2021, 11:23:19 AM11/15/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
It is common sense to protect the the Greene tract forest  - clearly for climate concerns, suitable affordable housing, and essential green space for recreational  and environmental therapy. When it is gone - it is gone. Carbon sequestration is our future.
Chapel Hill essentially will not have any protected land.
 A typical housing development does not pay for itself in taxes, it ONLY LINES THE POCKETS OF DEVELOPERS, DO THE NUMBERS.

Sent from my iPad

John Eshelman

Nov 15, 2021, 11:23:29 AM11/15/21
to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
 I am very disappointed that you are trying to fast track this this development through. This is something that once done, cannot be undone. It needs to be carefully considered.
    • I support the 2016 community-driven plan to build a great affordable development on 20% of the Forest while preserving 80% for future generations.
    • I am worried that Chapel Hill and Carrboro will need more green space as our community shifts to higher density apartment living, with no back yards for kids to play in.
    • Why do we need to construct another development, almost twice as large as Eubanks Road’s Carraway Village – but this time on the public’s land – instead of focusing on building the affordable housing the community needs?
    • Another successful development like Weavers Grove on 33 acres would allow us to add a great development and also create our town’s greatest park for our children and grandchildren.
    • We need a more balanced approach. The recommendations in the 2016 report “Rogers Road: Mapping our Community’s Future” is a compromise that would benefit both the Rogers Road community and the rest of the town, and planet.


    J. Holland Eshelman

    Claudia Sheppard

    Nov 15, 2021, 11:23:33 AM11/15/21
    to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
    Dear majors of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, dear Orange County Board of Commissioners,

    I am a 24 year resident of Chapel Hill and strongly support finding a COMPROMISE that allows for building of affordable housing and preservation of a maximum amount of land on the Greene Tract.
    The residents of Chapel Hill deserve more green space and developing the Greene Tract will result in the destruction of the last large parcel of undeveloped land. Specifically, I would like for you to consider the following:

    - Mixed development in the northern part of Chapel Hill has not been successful, there are empty retail units at 1701 North Apartments as well as at Carraway Village, and even in Chapel Hill North next to the Harris Teeter. The units in 1701 MKL and Carraway Village were never occupied.

    -The 2016 plan for the development of the Greene Tract had community support. I strongly recommend adhering to that plan and sticking to developing 20% of the Greene Tract.

    - A model for the development of the Greene Tract should be the Weavers Grove development. It is slated to be built on 32 acres which is the exact size of 20% of the Greene Tract. It could be copied at the site of the Greene Tract.

    - Consideration should be given to the maximum preservation of ecosystems. Fragmentation of the land will lead to habitat and species loss. I recommend consultation with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. More information can be found at https://www.ncwildlife.org/Conserving/Programs/Green-Growth-Toolbox/About-GGT. We are in a Climate Change crisis and destruction of natural areas should be very carefully considered.

    - Any development needs to be part of a greater plan for Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The natural areas of the Greene Tract should be incorporated into a plan for greenways to allow for recreation and travel without the use of cars thus lowering the carbon footprint.

    Thank you for your consideration!


    Claudia Sheppard

    Stephen Young

    Nov 15, 2021, 6:09:19 PM11/15/21
    to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
    Good evening,
    Stephen Young here - just wanted to touch base re this issue as I favor the 2016 plan which largely preserves the Greene Tract Forest yet also allows for limited development as well.
    Thank you for all your efforts.
    So Village

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    Claudia Sheppard

    Nov 15, 2021, 10:09:39 PM11/15/21
    to mayoran...@townofchapelhill.org, ocb...@orangecountync.gov, cou...@townofcarrboro.org
    Dear elected officials,

    I have previously written to you about the need to find a compromise between development and preservation of the Greene Tract. I have also argued that affordable housing can and should 
    be developed at the site and pointed to Weavers Grove as an example of possible development that would fit on the site and preserve a majority of greenspace. In my letter, I argued for looking at guidelines developed by the NC WIldlife Resources Commission. Little did I know at the time of my writing, that you all have a report in hand that does exactly this! I was so surprised to learn about the following report:

    Greene Tract Proposed Preservation Areas

    Submitted by Allison Weakley (Town of Chapel Hill),

    Chris Hirni (Orange County), and Heather Holley (Town of Carrboro)

    September 27, 2021

    Why is the public not learning about this report? Could it be that elected officials don't want us to know what it says? I studied the report very carefully and came away with the conclusion that the only responsible way to develop the land is by developing the far west end ONLY and also leaving the southern end undeveloped as a possible school site. The road that runs parallel to the railroad tracks is no longer feasible and really didn't make much sense anyways.

    I would love to find answers to the following questions from my elected officials:

    1) Why is the public not given all the information?

    2) Why does it appear that a decision on the Greene Tract is being pushed through at a fast pace?

    3) Why are the elected officials not considering an offer to purchase part of the tract by groups that will preserve the land? That money could be used to develop affordable housing.

    4) What happened to the 2016 plans that discussed developing 20% of the Greene Tract?

    I would really appreciate straight answers to these questions.

    Thank you so much for your time!


    Claudia Sheppard

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