ONW Monthly Meeting 13 July 2017 - 6pm at A Touch of Madness, Nuttal Road.

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Obs NW Chairman

Jul 12, 2017, 1:07:22 PM7/12/17
to The Observatory Neighbourhood Watch
Hello Folks,

Its that time of the month again! 

Please join us tomorrow evening for a drink and to discuss safety and security in our suburb.

I remind you that we will no longer be circulating meeting minutes and crime statistics on this forum. If you would like to continue receiving this information then please join your one-and-only neighborhood watch using the following link:

Please remember that membership is free and that you are under no obligation to perform any duties you do not feel comfortable with. To join, you need to be a resident or business owner/employee in Observatory. The application process should take you less than 90 seconds.

Thanks and regards,

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