Obs-Watch Meeting this Thursday 12 July

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Frank Schuitemaker

Jul 11, 2018, 3:11:50 AM7/11/18
to Friends of ONW (Google Group)

Dear friends of Obs Watch,

We are somewhere mid winter and should be happy with the rain we had, it seems that it kept both patrollers but also the criminals out of our streets. Saturday evening some committee members joined a vehicle patrol with Saps, Obsid and Outer Shield as well as Premier. It was awesome to see the great response of Saps, as there were 4 Saps vehicles deployed including their special Tactical Response Unit on high alert for hijackings.

Next Obs-Watch Meeting Thursday 12th of July at 17h45 at A Touch of Madness, 12 Nuttall Street. This meeting will discuss the sharp increase of of the severity of crime and what we can do about it. In the *attached June Obsid-ONW Crime Report you will note that whilst crime dropped by roughly by a third (to what it was 7 month ago) the severity is high and rising with July showing an average rating of 7 the highest during the 23 months since capturing data. * Crime reports are only sent to members to join click here.

Last Thursday we had an armed car-jacking in which one of our most active patrollers lost her car in the Orange sector. Her neighbour was shot in the leg when he came out to investigate of what was happening. He underwent two major operations in GSH and seems to be stable. Our thoughts are with him and his dear ones. Also one of our Security Officers trusted Mazda was stolen whilst on active duty to keep us safe. You will find these posts (and others) on facebook.com/obswatch here and here. Please like and/or share these and other posts as it will help to reach more residents and create awareness towards a saver Obs.

Talking about a safer Obs we desperately need many more role players, more hands will make the tasks at hand easier and manageable, the more volunteers the better.

Our radio manager will hopefully enlighten us how we can integrate the 20 digital/analogue radios we gratefully received from JP Smith and Paddy Chapple on behalf of the CoCT see photo

Also attached is the Agenda. No minutes this time as they still need to be done and should likely to be discussed at the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you all this Thursday.

Kind regards
ONW Chair


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