Well done OBSID night patrol!

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Graham Porter

Sep 28, 2017, 3:59:55 AM9/28/17
to The Observatory Neighbourhood Watch Google grp.
“Two Black men were spotted walking around in Clifton Terrace by Obsid Officers Sobetwa and Francisco around 02:07 AM. Both men were searched and was found with Car Breaking implements, a total of 3 Knives (carefully concealed in their clothing), a tik lollie and 5 cellphones in their possession. They were arrested by SAPS and a case of Possession of Car Breaking Implements and Dangerous Weapons was opened against them. They were profiled by Obsid for possible linking to robbery cases reported in recent weeks. Jason 4 Obsid.”

We’ll done guys!

Graham Porter

082 411 3774 (mobile)

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