Why Does Bluestacks Only Have Mac Version For Download When On Firefox

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Traful Stakelbeck

Jun 27, 2024, 6:46:53 PM (4 days ago) Jun 27
to obpiagreenwi

Latest firefox update 104 x64 crashed every time bluestack piex64 (android emulator) launches. Afterwards running firefox again will keep running with no problems issues. Its only on launch of bluestacks that the issue happen and have replicated in different machines. I presume latest update uses some kind of internal android adb instance running? and it conflicts with the one that bluestacks emulates?

Seems not much attention to this, i guess very specific issue. Still weird interaction which might be with other such type programs as bluestacks. Regardless issue is resolved when updated bluestacks from 5.4 to 5.9

Why Does Bluestacks Only Have Mac Version For Download When On Firefox

Download Filehttps://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://urlcod.com/2yK0DY&source=gmail&ust=1719614708678000&usg=AOvVaw2mX9YoBxZZ3wzqEqBUnhQu

It happens only on the first time i run bluestacks after a cold boot. No matter the combination of opening and closing firefox and bluestacks afterwards it doesnt crash after the first boot of bluestacks for the day.

It hard to express that but it feels like its a hard "close?!" firefox doesnt crash or have a crash error report neither generates a log on the crash log folder. There is history and restore of the last opened tab as i pressed the X button to close the window pretty much.

Bad news for me at least. Unable to login into Duolingo on my main 2019 account on any 5.X version before 5.65.
4.78 and 4.85 allow me to sign in and see my profile but lessons will not load. Alt acc from 2023 still works though but being locked out of my main account kinda kills my motivation.

Still have a lot of stuff to test out, but what I found already deserves a bit of an update. It seems like my account is somehow the culprit. My phone and tablet still display my progress correctly (minus that new Skill), but when I started testing on Bluestacks I noticed that trying to log in to it after a reinstall breaks the app. Home tab is just white, no character's tab, only the leaderboard league gets displayed, the shop only shows the amount of gems, profile information still visible but settings button does nothing. I've also noticed that old Skill cracking for yesterday hasn't happened on that account.
I've created a new account, and that has none of the issues. Even after reinstalling, that account works and remembers my progress. I'm also able to do the checkpoint tests, have already gotten 111 crowns that way. There was some strangeness in that when I first tried out starting from scratch, it had the old Japanese tree with all the separate Hiragana skills. I've yet to test if this new account works across devices, as I still want to see if I can somehow copy the app data from my phone/tablet to bluestacks to get what I had back.
EDIT: Also noticed that now Bluestacks is playing ads, which it hasn't done before in Duolingo.

Back in the days when I occasionally used an old BlueStacks version in 2017 I noticed that most Duolingo V3.x app bugs for using cached lessons probably must have been to related to this emu. I lost my done lessons several times.

Do you have a newer PC with all the latest hardware Cpu extensions, newest graphic drivers? The emu runs smoothly?
My Laptop was a bit too old so I switched to an older 1.x KOPlayer version (the website and files are gone, taken over by a fake company). But it only ran Android 4.4 or something.

Chances are higher that the Duolingo app works better on a real smartphone/tablet or maybe with an Android-X86 image running on Oracle VirtualBox (which very likely misses the host-guest addons so the mouse will be locked within the Android virtual machine and maybe 2-3 other things missing).

I regularly had to delete the Duolingo user app data on BlueStacks but several V3.x apps ran into the same corruption problems with offline lessons which I sent dozen of bug reports to staff and complained on the community forum.

If you want you can send me a PM here on Duome including your used Duolingo app versions.
Then I can try the older used Apk on my smartphone.
Hopefully the older app hasn't damaged your account data. Now I'm a bit afraid I might damage one when we go too far back with older versions (one version I tried to workaround the checkpoint quiz error gave me a hard time and the Duolingo server regularly has thrown multiple errors so the old Api was not very compatible).

Will need to read your 1-2 comments again but any progress lost is not something new to Duolingo.
Has been repeatingly posted on the /r/Duolingo channel.
Who knows what they have changed/patched on Monday for the worse.

Bluestacks has been consistent with my other devices for a while now. All the crowns for the added Skills in the course updates two months ago updated and the cracked Skills showed the same ones on all devices. I also have a good PC and Bluestacks runs smoothly (OpenGL), my other devices are actually slower when it comes to running the app. My phone and tablet also both have the same bug of the new Skill reverting and no new crowns being added. They also don't show ads just like Bluestacks didn't do until I got a new account.
There is one weird thing I noticed however: the new Skill I was doing has 4 lessons on both Bluestacks and my phone, but only 3 lessons on my tablet. When I completed two lessons in that skill on Bluestacks two days ago, my phone showed that as well, but my tablet didn't show any progress.
I personally would be surprised if this is just due to Bluestack, this seems either like an old account bug, a using multiple devices bug, or a using an old apk bug.
PS: There was also a strange difference somewhere between the 5.36.4 and the 5.5.4 apks, the latter had one more skill with 5 crowns (Law 2). This meant that all the skills between Weather 3 and that one were possible to do, all of which 5.36.4 did have greyed out (Geography 1 was the new Skill I was doing that the course update added).

PPS: I've reread my posts, and I saw I wasn't clear on something. My phone and tablet are only showing my progress because I haven't reinstalled the app on them. It seems extremely likely that, just like Bluestacks, doing that would cause the same breaking when trying to log in. Bluestacks did work when I updated the app to 5.36.4 to test if new crowns work there (it didn't), so I think that it only keeps working if the cache/storage stays intact.

Did some more tests just on the new account on Bluestacks. It appears to have near full functionality: app remembers crown and lesson progress even after reinstalling. Only weird thing is that the profile tab lists the old number of total crowns (111 instead of 125), Duome reflects that same number. Hopefully it just takes a bit of time before it updates. Also, progress on the tree still turns into progress on the snake.
I also installed Blokada 5 to get rid of the ads, and that works.

Used App Cloner on my other devices in order to preserve what I have but still do tests. As I suspected, logging into my main account breaks the app in the same way. Logging into the new account works with all crowns and lessons being synced with Bluestacks(it even fixed Geography 1 having 3 lessons instead of 4 on my tablet). One difference is that it doesn't have ads, which means either that App Cloner removes those or that ads are a Bluestacks specific problem (perhaps something I accidentally changed when doing tests).
I also tested adding progress after logging into that account on my tablet to see if the same bug would occur. Crown and lesson progress still gets remembered and updates across devices (still 111 on my profile page though).
I'm gonna test a bunch of other apk versions to see if there's one where my main account isn't broken, but I fear that there won't be any and that my account is simply broken. Even if it doesn't break, I'll probably still have the no new crowns bug.
If that's my status quo, then I'll simply slowly get every Skill I was at to five crowns on this new account. Keyboard questions only seem to popup for 5 crown Skill practices, so I'll use my old account on my phone to get a couple of those in the meanwhile for practice. It does mean losing my streak, but I only really cared about that for the free Lingots it used to get me for spending on skipping to next crown tests.

Finished testing my main account on older versions. It seems to be broken all the way to 5.63.4, after that it does work but of course those are all snake versions.
Some versions worked better than others (3.x versions did let me go into profile settings for example), but none loaded the tree.
I of course don't have time to check every single version, so I took leaps throughout the versions. This means I can't be 100% certain, but I'd say my sample size was big enough to be confident that no tree version would work for that account.

Just learned today that there's some weirdness in getting new crowns.
The number at the top doesn't update, and progress on that skill seems to reverse if you close it. I have noticed that the device will remember 1 crown if you do two skip tests in a row.

Despite no lesson progress is lost (well, we'll see with the next 2-4 skills when as soon as they are all on the L1 crown level) and the finished state does NOT reset (like you described it) I can clearly say that I NEVER had seen this weird crowns jumping behaviour while I was actively working on the DE->FR course in May-October.

Anyway, I did a quick manual recount of all displayed crowns for all completed FR skills and somehow my manually counted crowns seem to match with the total crowns of 116/117; no idea where the 131 total crowns number comes from (as the app sometimes jumps back to it).
I had no tree update, did no course reset, started fresh in May (only the very first skill was finished in 01/2022, so the higher number may not match so well.
Have to do a second / third count with a calculator next time.

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