Starting Monday: Psychology!

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Greg Perkins

Nov 7, 2013, 11:22:09 AM11/7/13
to Objectivism Seminar Announcements
You are cordially invited to the next Objectivism Seminar session, Monday November 11 at 8:00pm Mountain!  

We're starting a new series that night, meeting for an hour-long conference call each week to work through Lectures on Psychology by Dr. Edith Packer. (The book is an edited compilation of lecture transcripts from the conferences and seminars of The Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology.)

Inline image 1

We'll be visiting a variety of topics, including: The Psychological Requirements of a Free Society, Understanding the Subconscious, Anger, The Obsessive-Compulsive Syndrome, The Art of Introspection, Toward a Lasting Romantic Relationship, Happiness Skills, and The Role of Philosophy In Psychotherapy.

Please pass it on!
Greg Perkins

(As always, if you miss a discussion, you can easily catch up using the Archives page of our website.) 

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