No architectures to compile for (ARCHS=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=i386)

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Aug 5, 2010, 2:14:51 PM8/5/10
to objectiveflickr
ObjectiveFlickr is broken for latest SDK (xcode 3.2.3 & iOS SDK 4.x)

I had an iphone project working beautifully in xcode 3.2.1 and iOS SDK
3.x. But after upgrading to the latest SDK the ObjectiveFlickr project
is throwing errors. So I used my buddy google to find solutions across
the internet. The suggestions are these:

1) open ObjectiveFlickr project
2) edit the build settings for the "ObjectiveFlickr (library)" target
a) set the Base SDK for that to be "iPhone Device 4.0"
b) set architectures to "Standard (armv6 armv7)"
c) add armv6 and armv7 to the Valid Architectures list (I don't know
if this helped)
d) set compiler to "GCC 4.2" (don't know if this is required)

The project will then compile to Simulator->Debug, Simulator->Release,
Will NOT compile for Device->Release.

I have tried every project setting and always get errors.

QUESTION: what about the compiler setting? Should it not be set to GCC
4.2? (iphone iOS default)

credit for help came from here:
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