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Brand new and fully responsive OOCSS framework

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John Slegers

Mar 27, 2013, 6:06:42 AM3/27/13
I like Bootstrap's design and overall feature set, but I don't like its architecture.

With regards to Nicole's OOCSS project it's the other way around. I like her overall architecture but can't say I'm impressed by its design and feature set. It also doesn't seem to be maintained anymore.

About a week ago, I released Cascade Framework that combines - among other features - a Bootstrap inspired featureset and optional Bootstrap inspired design with an OOCSS based architecture. The purpose of Cascade Framework is to be optimal in terms of performance, flexibility, modularity, code bloat, etc.

Feel free to check it out. The project is released with an MIT license, which means there are no restrictions on what you can do with it.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Most of the features are examplified by means of demos on the project's homepage. If you need any help on getting started with Cascade Framework, please contact me personally.

Aeron Glemann

Mar 27, 2013, 9:29:21 AM3/27/13
The site ( isn't loading for me :(

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John Slegers

Mar 27, 2013, 9:34:02 AM3/27/13
It works fine for me. Any idea of what might be causing the problem on your machine?

The site is mirrored at . Does that link work for you?

Kind regards,

John Slegers

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 2:29:21 PM UTC+1, aglemann wrote:
The site ( isn't loading for me :(
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 4:06 AM, John Slegers <> wrote:
I like Bootstrap's design and overall feature set, but I don't like its architecture.

With regards to Nicole's OOCSS project it's the other way around. I like her overall architecture but can't say I'm impressed by its design and feature set. It also doesn't seem to be maintained anymore.

About a week ago, I released Cascade Framework that combines - among other features - a Bootstrap inspired featureset and optional Bootstrap inspired design with an OOCSS based architecture. The purpose of Cascade Framework is to be optimal in terms of performance, flexibility, modularity, code bloat, etc.

Feel free to check it out. The project is released with an MIT license, which means there are no restrictions on what you can do with it.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Most of the features are examplified by means of demos on the project's homepage. If you need any help on getting started with Cascade Framework, please contact me personally.

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Matthew Browne

Mar 27, 2013, 9:34:29 AM3/27/13
Try it again? It just loaded for me.
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